Chapter 10: The Underworld

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The greatest party of the century was tonight

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

The greatest party of the century was tonight. News across the city spread that Trez Luciano opened a new nightclub and it was beyond words. The most exclusive celebrities were invited and the world was eagerly waiting in long queues to get their chance to lay their eyes on the beautiful nightclub.

All wanted to be here. All except one.

Bone sat in the back of the car with King and Klaus in front of him. The couple wore matching black suits. The night was young and the entire pack was brimming with excitement. Through the Bluetooth in the car, everyone was sharing their eagerness to be out tonight. Regardless, Bone was happy for Trez and proud of his success for building himself a powerful status that many envied. Building another nightclub that would be worth all the buzz was not an easy feat, but if anyone could do it, it was Trez.

But parties like this weren't Bone's cup of tea, they were more King's style. Even when Bone was a butler for King, he never went to any of these parties, not even when Trez opened his first club.

He pulled on the collar of his shirt, feeling a bit nervous now that they almost reached their destination. He really didn't want to be at this party, but how was he supposed to decline when everyone begged for him to come with them. He didn't think anyone in the pack understood how weird it was for him to be out and about. He liked staying at home, preferably alone with a book and some wine, cheese and nothing disturbed the silence he worked so hard to achieve.

"That must be it," Klaus announced.

Bone looked out the window and saw not a nightclub but a massive stadium. The building was as black as the night sky, it almost camouflaged. However, there were over hundreds of lights flashing on the streets showcasing the club so that it was impossible to miss. Thousands of people swarmed the building and they were in awe as much as Bone was at the sheer size of this place. The new Underworld nightclub looked as if it was made for kings and queens and not mortals.

King parked the car in the reserved section and all of them got out. The rest of the Centauri pack joined them. Gabriel, River, Ryder, Vincent, Hunter, Hailey, Viola. Sabrina was too pregnant to come and Zoya stayed with her. Azura stayed back to guard the pack with her team while everyone was away. Bone was relieved that Sabrina and Zoya were home otherwise Ender would've been there all by himself. Bone made them dinner before he left, so he wasn't worried Ender would sleep hungry, even though the boy was capable enough to help himself.

"I'm so excited," Viola said as she stood in tall black stiletto heels that matched her short dress.

"Trez really out-did himself," praised Vincent who was in a crisp black suit.

River and Ryder were also in black suits, but no tie, just a loose silk shirt and buttons opened. They looked identical in every way so Bone was finding it hard to tell them apart, it was only until they spoke.

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