25. New Beginnings

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This is a time skip! This is the last thing I will write for this book. Chapter 24 was the ending but I just decided to write a little chapter to solidify and go further in depth of Morgan and Joseph's relationship after many years. And I was wanting a chance to give a better ending. Hope you guys enjoy!

Written and revised on 8 September 2023.


"Only a few more months until we can leave the bunker." Joseph spoke, a twinkle in his blue eyes. "And we can finally go outside. I want to provide a better life for us. For Nicholas."

I smiled up at my husband. "Me too. Living... No, not living. But having to survive and fight for our lives in this bunker isn't a way to live. Especially for baby boy." I cradled mine and Joseph's newborn son, Nicholas Joe Seed, in my arms as he cooed at me.

He had Joseph's ocean eyes, my red hair, my nose, ears, and flat feet, and Joseph's lips and hands. He was the perfect combination of the both of us. But he was named after my brother, Nicholas Eugene Miller, and received his daddy's middle name. I wanted to honor my brother and Joseph, and I adored our son's name. I can only hope that our son has my willpower, confidence, and determination, Joseph's patience, understanding nature, and intelligence, and my brother's compassion, selflessness, and loyalty. I would also want Nicholas to have Jacob's bravery, strength, and protectiveness, John's commitment, devotion, and clinginess, and Faith's free-spirited attitude, kindness, and resilience. There were qualities and traits that we all have that Joseph and I want for our son. But if he doesn't have them all, that's okay. Nicholas is perfect in our eyes even if he didn't have all those attributes. We both would do anything for him because we love him regardless. Our love for him was unconditional— a love that all parents should have for their children.

Joseph and I's situation was... odd to say the least. But I wouldn't have it any other way. We were enemies at the start, and eventually fell in love with each other. It was a war and we were on opposite sides, fighting for our own cause. And in the end, it was stupid and pointless and caused the world to end. However, I was grateful for the war. Because if it never happened, I wouldn't have gotten to meet Joseph, I wouldn't have had the chance to be in love with him, and we wouldn't have had Nicholas. So I was thankful for it, because I know my fighting wasn't in vain. I may have fought for the Resistance and my brother, but at the time I didn't know I was fighting for Joseph and I's future, along with our son.

"I'm so happy being here with you and Nicholas." Joseph sat beside me on the couch before tucking a strand of my now long hair behind my ear.

"Don't forget about me and Faith." John strolled into the living room, a cup of hot coffee in hand, as he rolled his eyes. "You always have to make it about yourselves." He chuckled, teasing, as he sat down in his recliner.

"Make sure it's sugar in your coffee there, John." I smirked, referring to the prank I played on him years ago.

"Shut it." John snapped back hastily, tasting his coffee to make sure it didn't have salt in it.

"Morgan, that was the funniest thing everrrrr," Faith giggled, eating a bag of stale Lay's chips. She plopped a few chips in her mouth at once. "You'll have to play another prank on him again."

Nicholas was beginning to get grumpy, signaling that he was hungry. He was fussy and grunting, outstretching his legs, nearly kicking Joseph in the stomach if he hadn't dodged them.

"I'm gonna have to feed him again." I laughed at Nicholas, gently poking his nose before standing up.

Joseph stood up as well, kissing our son on the forehead. And it was the cutest sight ever. I never wanted to forget this moment...

"I love you, Joseph Seed."

"And I love you, Morgan Seed."

Just because the world ended, doesn't mean it actually ended. Mine and Joseph's book is just starting, and we brought our little baby boy into our story...


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