7. Keep Fighting

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"Trust in the Path and you'll find the answers you seek." Faith's voice echoed as I woke up again in the Bliss; I noticed I was in a different location from before and there was a huge tree many feet in front of me. The Bliss was all around me as a hare scurried into view and quickly ran off in the other direction as I stood up and began making my way toward the tree. And as I neared the tree, Faith appeared and was dancing in the tall grass. She looked happy, angelic, and at peace...

"Even those who fight against us seek salvation. You're proof of that. We all need guidance in times like these." She magically vanished and was immediately in front of me as she tenderly grabbed my hands. "Now you'll see. Now you'll truly understand."

Faith pulled me toward the Father who was preaching to a few people that were sitting in the grass. "This is not what we were meant for. This is not what we fought for. Our path diverges from the outside world now... and forevermore. So we must be strong. We must be vigilant." Joseph spoke, his voice full of courageousness, determination, and sounded powerful. "Because those on the outside will see what we have built here together, in our New Eden... the love. And they will come. And they will try to take from us all that we have built." The Peggies were in awe as they gazed up at him like he was a god. Then suddenly he noticed me, and started making his way to me, his eyes never leaving mine.

"By taking that leap of faith, you accepted my Word into your heart... You have accepted my gift, and God's purpose for you, and you will be set free and saved from your sin... Only if you keep the faith." Joseph was inches from my face; meanwhile, he placed his hands on my shoulders gently as his blue eyes stared into mine. It was as if Joseph put me under a spell and all I could do was just stand there. All the while, I could feel the emotions he felt: love, betrayal, and calmness. "The first step is always the scariest, child. But I have faith in you. So have faith in me. Believe in me..."

Within the blink of an eye, he knelt down and picked a Bliss flower from the ground and held it up to my nose. And once I took a big whiff, my world instantly turned to darkness...

"Rook? Rook! Rook! Open your eyes!" Sheriff Whitehorse yelled. My eyes fluttered open, but my vision was blurry; however, I could tell it was Earl in front of me. He shouted as he shook my shoulders harshly, the same exact place Joseph had his hands. But Joseph's touch was more emotional, affectionate, and warm... Earl continued to shake my shoulders in an attempt to keep me awake, but I couldn't hardly keep my eyes open. "C'mon, give her the adrenaline!" He ordered Tracy, who was beside him, as I dizzily craned my neck toward Faith's old friend. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon— stop fighting! C'mon, c'mon just calm down!"

"Don't fucking move! I need you calm and still." Tracy demanded as she held a needle above her head. Then without hesitation, she slammed the adrenaline into my chest.

My vision slowly turned white as the voices in my ears faded in and out.

"That's it, that's it. Good... Good... Good... Jesus Christ, Rook. You scared the absolute shit out of us!" Earl exclaimed as he took a step back and Virgil entered the room.

"Hey Sheriff, a couple didn't make it back. The boys said—" Virgil informed Whitehorse as he cut him off.

"Anybody grab Burke?" Earl asked Virgil.

"Grady, supposedly. But—"

"Well, where the hell's Grady?" Whitehorse interrogated, obviously frustrated as my vision began to fade more and more.

Virgil sighed as he threw his hands up in the air.

"Awww Jesus. Now you just... you just relax." Earl turned toward me. "Lie back. I'll see you in the morning... Christ." He pointed at me and sighed before he swiftly turned around and left the room, Virgil following suit.

I slowly turned to the left and seen Tracy fiddling with my IV.

"You come out of the Bliss too fast, shit's liable to scramble your fuckin' brains." Tracy stated as I laid my head back against the pillow and closed my eyes, drifting off into a much needed deep sleep...

It seemed like I was asleep for a long, long time as I carefully sat up in bed and leisurely tossed my legs over the side. My eyes were still heavy from exhaustion, but I knew I had to get up. So I gradually stood up, trying not to make myself dizzy, grabbed my weapons bag from the floor beside the bed, and started to leave the jail.

"Thought we lost you to the bliss, Deputy." Dutch spoke through my CB. "Thank god for that Sheriff of yours. See what you can do to help these folks out. Keep doin' what you're doin' and this crazy family'll be gone... Dutch out."

I turned my radio down as I exited the jail, not wanting to see or talk to anyone. A few trucks were parked in the parking lot so I took one and started driving to Nick Rye's house to borrow his plane, but before that I want to see Mary May... I couldn't get my mind off of Joseph; he's consuming my mind... Why does he want to save me so badly? He's had plenty of opportunities to kill me and save his Project, and his family. Killing me would be the easiest option.

About an hour passed and I finally made it to the Spread Eagle. I had parked beside Mary May's bar and went inside, the smell of alcohol filling my nose comforting me; it reminded me of her. And immediately she came over to me and enveloped me in a tight hug.

"God, I feel like I haven't seen you in so long, Morgan. I've missed you." Mary May smiled, her hands clasped around my neck as my arms wrapped around her waist. "Dutch told me what all happened."

I nodded my head, "Yeah. Even though it's been about a month, it's been too long. I've just been kinda busy." I chuckled into the crook of her neck.

"I'm sorry." Mary apologized as she pulled away and placed both of her hands on my shoulders, where Whitehorse and Joseph put their palms. Her touch was like Joseph's: caring. "I wish we could just— run away. Run away together from this place and never look back."

"Me too." I replied as I gazed down at my shoes. "But my work here isn't finished."

"I know." Mary May responded, pursing her lips. "But just know I'm always here for ya. You'll always have a place here if ya need ta stay the night."

I grinned down at her, "Yeah. Thanks Mary May; I appreciate you... I gotta head out. I'm gonna borrow Nick's plane and bomb the hell outta Joseph's statue."

Mary May nodded, "Okay. But be careful. Please come back in one piece... for me."

"Of course." I flashed her a small, sad smile and hugged her once more, making sure to smell her vanilla perfume again so I don't forget. "And if you quit wearin' that perfume, I'll never come back." I joked, trying to make our goodbye less depressing. I don't know what it was, but life didn't feel the same; it wasn't as happy. And things aren't what it used to be. Times change I guess... I just know it's not the same as it was...

Like Joseph said, the first step is always the scariest... Should I believe and give in to the cult? It would make it easier on me... Or should I keep fighting? But what am I fighting for?

Mary May laughed at my stupid comment, snapping me out of my thoughts, "I'll keep that in mind, Morgan."

I decided I wanted to keep fighting— for the innocent people here that are helpless. They need me... Why would you even think about quitting and giving in, Morgan? "See you soon."

And with that, I left and was headed to Nick and Kim's home. Hopefully they won't mind that I'm visiting unexpectedly, but it's urgent. They did say I could use Nick's plane anytime I needed. So here goes nothing.

I knocked on their front door and waited patiently on their porch.

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