14. At Least We Have Each Other

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The first page of the Book of Joseph was a sketch of the Father, and under it read:
"Joseph Seed, Project at Eden's Gate Guide
Hope County, Montana, USA."

Then I turned the page and began to read more.
"The messenger is often attacked for delivering bad news
You will hear a great deal about me:
People will tell you that I am a liar, a cheat, a conman
A mad man, and even a murderer.
People will tell you anything and everything
Because I am the bearer of bad news,
Because I am the messenger.
I am the one who must warn you of the ending of this world
And gather the chosen ones who will build the next world.
If you want to live, you need to ignore the slander.
You need to believe me.
You need to follow me.

Joseph Seed

"Bless the name of those who
Have dealt you blows.
Be grateful to those who
Have caused you harm.
For it is these sufferings that
Have led you to me."

Sermon from the Project at Eden's Gate."

And I couldn't help myself to read more and more and more. Page after page after page. I read about Joseph and his siblings' lives as children and as they grew into adulthood. I had learned so much about the Seed family and I had started to respect them a little. I mean... not really respect them, just what they had to go through. Although no matter how great their trauma is from their younger years, it shouldn't excuse their malign wrongdoings. We shouldn't just roll over and forgive them for their pernicious actions because of their abuse; they should know better.

By the time I had finished the entire book, I had no idea what time it was— I was guessing it was probably morning. I was in the recliner and Mary May was snoring softly on the couch; she was sprawled out, nearly halfway off the edge. The book was still clutched in her hand and was laid on her chest as her other arm was laying off the couch's edge. Her mouth was open slightly and wet slobber was dripping down from the corner of her lips. Mary's hair was stuck out in multiple places even though it was still in her usual bun. And at that moment, I admitted to myself that she was drop dead gorgeous even when she looked rough and tired.

My mind began to wander... Do I like Mary May? Or is it just lust? Does she like me? How would our relationship even work when it's the end of the world? Do I even have time to be with her? Well we do have seven years in this bunker. But could I see myself with her? I mean, I'm happy around her, but would I be happy with her? Is she more like a friend to me? Or something more? Or is this just a friends with benefits type thing? My thoughts at the moment were going crazy, driving me insane. I had so many questions and no answers to any of them. However, the only conclusion I could come up with is: only time will tell. And that gave me temporary solace.

I placed the Book of Joseph in the bookshelf where it was and then trudged toward my recliner. Once I made it to my chair, I literally collapsed onto it in exhaustion. I propped my feet up and started to doze off instantly as sleep quickly overcame me.

A person gently shaking my shoulders woke me up, my eyes fluttering open to see Joseph. His piercing blue eyes bright and alert.

"Hey, hey. Wake up, sunshine." He smiled down at me as I moaned, not wanting to get up yet. "Did you read some last night like I had asked you to?"

I groaned, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes before I adjusted the recliner. After doing so, I stretched while Joseph gazed at me, expecting an answer.

"Yes. I read the whole thing." I admitted, shoving my hands in my pockets. "Now don't be getting a big head. I was bored and wasn't tired."

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