Fearful Bond - Sam Winchester

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The dim light of the motel room cast soft shadows across YN's face as she stared out the window, lost in thought. We had just returned from one of the most brutal hunts we'd encountered in a while, and I could tell it had taken its toll on her. The way she clutched her arms around her waist, as if trying to hold herself together, tugged at my heart.

Dean had already passed out on his bed, exhausted from the adrenaline-filled day. I sat down on the edge of YN's bed, giving her a moment of quiet before speaking up. "You okay?"

She turned to look at me, her eyes a mix of weariness and vulnerability. "Yeah, I'm just... It's been a tough one, you know?"

I nodded, understanding the weight that came with our lifestyle. "Yeah, I get it. Sometimes, it feels like we're carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders."

YN's lips curled into a small, appreciative smile. "You always know how to put it into words, Sam."

I chuckled softly, leaning back against the headboard. "It's a Winchester thing, I guess. So, what's on your mind?"

She hesitated, her gaze dropping to her hands. "It's just... After what we faced today, I don't ever want to go back out. I don't want to be helpless, trapped in the face of something so... evil."

I reached out and gently placed a hand on hers, offering a comforting squeeze. "YN, you're not helpless. You've proven time and time again that you're strong, brave, and more capable than you give yourself credit for."

She looked up at me, a mixture of gratitude and uncertainty in her eyes. "It's just that sometimes, the fear becomes overwhelming, you know? The fear of losing someone I care about, or worse, becoming the very thing we hunt."

I understood that fear all too well. It was a fear that had haunted me for years, a fear that had almost consumed me after everything with Lucifer and the trials. But looking at YN, I saw something resilient within her, something that wouldn't let her be consumed by that fear.

"YN, you're not alone in this. Dean and I, we've got your back. We're a team, and we'll face whatever comes together."

She took a deep breath, her shoulders relaxing a fraction. "Thank you, Sam. It means a lot to hear that."

"Anytime," I replied with a sincere smile. "And you know, even when things get tough, there's always a reason to keep fighting. We've saved a lot of people, and we'll keep doing it."

YN's smile grew more genuine, a spark of determination lighting up her eyes. "I'm glad I have you guys with me."

"We're glad to have you too," I assured her.

As the minutes passed, the weight of the day seemed to lift slightly from YN's shoulders. We talked about lighter things, shared a few funny stories from past hunts, and even managed to make her laugh. It was a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there could be moments of light and connection.

Eventually, exhaustion caught up with YN, her eyelids growing heavy. "You should get some rest," I suggested gently.

She nodded, settling back against her pillows. "Yeah, I think I will."

I stood up from the bed, feeling a sense of relief that I could provide some comfort to her. "Goodnight, YN."

"Goodnight, Sam," she replied, her voice soft and grateful.

As I turned off the lights and made my way to my own bed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the bonds we had formed, for the family we had created. In a world filled with darkness and uncertainty, moments like these were the ones that kept us going, reminding us of the strength we could find in each other.

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