darkest man<3

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"Kaylee it's not what it looks like"
"I was a bet, sharky?"
"no, I mean yes, but it's not what it looks like!"

I didn't know what too do, I was at his. Filly would've been sleeping. My only option was too phone chunkz, he was a good friend of filly and me. He would understand? Right? But what happens if ur ruins the whole beta squad. The whole world would hate me. Fuck it I'm gonna phone darkest. I walk away from sharky with tears filling my eyes, I walk outside.

"Kaylee wait"
"Sharky leave me alone, give me space"
"Let me take u home, kaylee"
"No, sharky go back inside and leave me the fuck alone."
I say seriously.
"Okay, can u atleast text me later?"
my blood was boiling, I didn't know what to do.

I ring darkest.
"Hey darkest!" I say with a croaky voice.
"Kaylee? Are you okay? What's the matter?"
"I need you too come pick me up if you can"
"Yeah for sure? Where you at?"
"Omg what happened"
"I'll explain when u get here, please hurry"
"I'm on my way"

About 5-10 minutes later, darkest is here. I can see sharky looking at me at the window.

once I'm in the car, I calm down a bit. Darkest hugged me, never realised how great of a hugger he actually was.

"Okay so are you gonna tell me what happened?!"
"I was a bet, darkest."
"I heard him on the phone too Kenny saying, "about this bet I have with kaylee""
"No way what a Fucking prick"
"You have too promise not too tell anyone though, I don't want it breaking up beta squad, their fans would come for me"
"That's non-"
"Darkest I mean it."
"Okay fine.. but why didn't u call filly?"
"1. He's sleeping, 2. He would never ever talk too sharky again."
"Oh, I mean fair enough, if that happened with chunkz I would've gotten really upset too. Have u heard what he had too say?"
"Are u joking me? I never want too speak too him again"
"Kaylee, c'mon now. I know sharky and I know he would never ever do something like that on purpose, you have too speak too him"
"i know sharky too, or atleast thought I did"
"Kaylee, the way he looks and talks about you, no man would do that if they didn't have feelings"
"do you really think?"
"Yes ofcourse!"
"Thank you darkest. I really appreciate you" as he says dropping me off back too fillys"
"No problem, kaylee. Call me when ever you want too"

I step back into fillys house, I looked a mess.
"Woahh you look a mess, you didn't do it on the first day did you?!"
"No filly gross, Not the right time. I thought you would've been asleep"
"I can't sleep. kaylee, are you okay?" as he sees my mascara smudged.
"Yes, I'm fine."
"Really cause you don't look fine?!"
"yes Omg, get off my back"
"oh, sorry." He said as I realised I deeply hurt his feelings, I didn't mean too though.
I walk into my room and just sob.

I heard my phone ping, I look at

Sharky💕: kaylee, please let me explain.
kaylee: sharky I don't understand? Was it really a bet?
sharky💕: please meet me tomorrow, I will explain everything. We can go subway?
Kaylee: fine! But only for subway.
Sharky💕: thank you kaylee.

He knows that's my favourite place too go. He's really making things tough for me.

I decided too go talk too filly, apologise. Tell him what happened.

I knock on his door.
"Hey filly.."
"What." He says cold.
I sit on his bed and apologise.
"Filly im really sorry. Something happened tonight and I just shut you off"
"It's okay Kayls, but tell me what happened"
"We went back too sharkys, he had to make a phone call and left the room. I went too get a glass off water and heard him talk ab me on the phone, I listen in and all I hear is "Kenny, the thing with kaylee and this bet.." he saw me and his face dropped and I left"
"WHAT?! A BET? Kaylee you better be joking"
"I'm not but you CANNOT mention anything, I don't want anyone too fall out with sharky, everyone would hate me."
"Kaylee, no one would hate you. Who picked you up? Why didn't u phone me"
"I thought you would've been sleeping, I didn't want too wake you up, I asked darkest he was the only person I could really think off, apart from chunkz but that's when I realised about a whole fall out"
"Kaylee if ur ever in a situation like that again. U better phone me, I mean it. I really appreciate darkest for that though"
"I know"
"So.. what's happening with u and sharky then?"
"I've too meet him tomorrow at subway. He's gonna explain everything"
"Knowing sharky I really don't think he would've meant it, but you sure do have "MUG" written on your forehead"
"Oi shut up"
"Sorry." He laughed
He made me giggle
"That's my girl" he hugged me. He said he was gonna go too bed and he was tired but if anyone happens I've too wake him up, I agreed just too keep him happy.

not long after that I fell asleep.

The next day I woke up and started to get ready I was so nervous.
I'm at Subway and I'm waiting for him. My eyes are all puffy I just hope he doesn't say anything about it.
I see him, he looked actually happy too see me. I was still mad.

"Kaylee im so sor-"
"Save it, just tell me what happened."

"not long after we first met, Kenny said you looked "easy" HIS WORDS. I agreed too it, only because I didn't want anyone knowing I had an attraction towards you, or filly too find out, I thought filly would've hated me. He said he'd give me money if I could make u my girlfriend in 3 weeks. I didn't want too but I done it anyways, for everyone's sake. I was phoning Kenny last night too tell him it was off, that's when u realised how genuine and beautiful you really were. Once I saw u tear up I realised what I truly done and how I should've said no from the beginning. I'm so so sorry kaylee, I understand if u won't forgive me but I need you too know the story"

"So it was Kenny's fault?"
"Yes. I told him the bet was done after u left."
"I forgive u sharky. As soon as I saw you walk in I realised I couldn't stay mad at you forever"
He gets up and he hugs me and says sorry once again.

"But wait who picked you up?"
"Darkest did"
"So u didn't tell any beta squad member?"
"No I didn't want you too fall out with them and all the fans hating me"
"They could never hate you! They all love you. Infact they wanted you too be in lots more videos"
"Duh it's me!" I say laughing. I noticing him just staring at me.
"What?" I say.
Before he could say anything he kissed me!?!

(Hello! Sorry if this is bad🥲it's 8:15am rn and I haven't slept. So in that case, good night! Don't forget too vote💕)

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