new job.

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I was in need of a job so bad, I applied for different types of jobs, any ones I could think off. A few days later I get a message back "hey kaylee, thank you for applying to our job application. We've had a look at you're resume, and it looks amazing. All you need to do now is come for an interview, we think you'd be amazing at this job
The location is- 5143 London road, be there at Monday, 15th of august, at 11am. Thank you so much-harry."

LONDON ROAD?! I'm all the way in Columbia why has one got back to me from London? I'm gonna google the address too make sure it's 110% in london.

"London road, is a street in london."

Omg I'm so fucking stupid. Wtf do I do. I decide to go talk to my mum about it, she's my biggest supporter she'd know exactly what too do!

K-hey madre, what you doing?

M-hey kaylee! I'm cooking dinner, you look a little dull.
What's wrong?

K-remember how I was applying for all those jobs?

M-course I do. Did none of them get back too you?

K-yeah, they got back to me, I must've applied in the wrong area, I got a job but it's in London.

M-omg kaylee!

K-I know! It's a job that pays good money though, and it's a job I would love too do.

M-what about your cousin filly? Doesn't he stay in London, I'm sure he wouldn't mind?

K-Omg that's so smart. We haven't spoke in ages though.
M-he won't mind, filly's lovely, yous were so close growing up.. two peas in a pod!

K-I do miss him a lot

M-exactly!! So go do it!

K-okay, thank you. I love you.

*a few hours later*
okay. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna text him.
I'm so scared though, what if he thinks I'm a weirdo or something?
Fuck it I'm gonna do it.

k-hey filly. How are you?

F-omg kaylee! I'm so good, how are you? I miss you so much!

K-omg filly! Im great. I miss you too. I need a huge favour!

F-which is..

K-so basically, long story short. I was applying for jobs but I must've put the long location, I got a job interview, it's a job that pays good money and something I would love too do. The location I put was London. I was just wondering if you had any room, for one more person..?😁

F-hold on you don't know If I stay near to your job or what!

K-I didn't think of that. It's on London road.

F-no way that's a 10 minute drive from my house. In that case, course you can. I have a spare bedroom. When are you leaving?

K-my interview is on Monday, at 11, so I was thinking maybe Friday? just so I don't miss my plane and if I do it shouldn't be that bad, cause there's one on Saturday too.

F-that's perfect, although I am doing a video with the beta squad, I could ask some of them to come with me too pick you up.

K-that's perfect! Let me know!! Thank you so much filly, can't wait too see you.

F-Okay Kay, no problem!

*1 hour later*

F-just spoke with the guys, they said that's absolutely no problem at all.

K-ahh, make sure you tell them I said thank you!

F-hey it's me that letting you stay🤨

K-you know I appreciate it filly!

F-you're right, see you soon x
mum! Filly said yes!
"That's amazing, when you leaving? I'll get the tickets sorted" I'm leaving on Friday, I'm so exited. Him and his friends are gonna pick me up. "ARE YOU CRAZY?! FRIDAY? Kaylee, it's Wednesday you have way too much stuff to pack, it's gonna take you more than two days. It's a long way to London remember too." I know, I was thinking off bringing a few outfits, once I get the job I'll be able too get back on my feet and go shopping. "Okay Kay, sounds better. I'll go book the tickets"
I had finished packing, well kinda.. I still had a bit too take, it was getting late, I thought I'd do it tomorrow. I decided to go to sleep.

The next day, I woke up some everything I usually do. Shower, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, etc. once I finished that, I decided to get back to packing. I packed everything except my toothbrush, I knew I was gonna need it tonight.

(I'm gonna skip a full day, wayyyyyy too lazy to make up a whole new story. I'm also not from Columbia if u can't tell, I just thought it would go along with the story, cause I'm "filly's cousin" anyways hope you enjoyed this. Sorry if it's bad, I couldn't think of a starter😆)

839 words.

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