the text.

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I'm so scared too look at this text, what did he want?
"Hey Kay, is this your insta?" "Hey sharks! Yeah this is it, are you okay?" he knew this was my insta, everyone followed it but him?

"Yeah I'm okay. How are you?" "I am exhausted, omg"
"Nah, forreal" I started going through his insta story's and something caught my eye. "Hey guys want to hear a joke? How do u get pikachu on a bus? YOU POKÉMON!" He says laughing. I swipe up too it "sharky! Omg. You weren't kidding!" I say smiling through my screen. Two minutes go by and I'm still waiting for his notification. Why am I waiting for his notification?! This should not be like this, I just met him! I hear my phone buzz and I check it so quickly, "everyone loves it!" Sharky says, "hey I take full credit!!" I say. "Hey Kay.." he says, oh no, I'm scared "what?" "Everyone's having a gathering tomorrow, I'd love it if you came, Infact we all would."
"Yeah, I would love too! I'll go talk to filly"
"Great, I'll let everyone know. Bye Kay x"

I run into fillys room and told him everything he said "you do know sharky just wants too see you"
"Lol, what?" I say. "Kaylee, he's been eyeing you up ever sense you came, he just doesn't want too show it"
"No he isn't?"
"You're doing the same thing to him.."
"Fine then, we'll see tomorrow"
"I guess we will.."

(The next day)

I got up, done what I do every day! I go in the shower, and start to get ready. Sense we weren't filming today I decided to show up in something more comfortable for myself, I stuck on a pair of leggings and just a crop top, me and filly head up too niko and ajs where everyone else was. I walk in and try my best too avoid sharky, I didn't want him or anyone knowing I liked him, what if it ruined everything? Mine and everyone else's friendships.. I thought. I could feel sharkys eyes on me and I ignore it. Everyone else hugs us. Sharky says "hey, Kay can I get u a drink?"
I felt so horrible, he was just trying to be nice. His face dropped he looked so disappointed, "oh.. okay." He says, he sat back down. Filly gave me a look as in "what the fuck." It made me feel worse. An hour goes by, I still hadn't even glanced at sharky I didn't want anyone too know. I decided to break the silence, "does anyone want a drink.. if that's okay to go get one? Niko, aj?" "Yeah obvs it is." Aj says.
Everyone decided the want a drink, I go to the kitchen. As I'm leaving the room I can hear niko say, "sharky why don't u go help her, she can't carry all those drinks herself" he says.
I can hear footsteps behind me, I'm speeding up.

We're both in the kitchen, everything seems off, I didn't want it too be though, I just wanted to apologise.

"Hey kaylee?"
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, why?"
"I don't know you just seem to be acting off with me"
He walks closer too me
"You don't need to be sorry, just tell me if I've done anything"
He says in a shaky voice.

I couldn't do it anymore, the guilt was eating me up, I don't care what filly has too say, I'll just deny it.

"Sharky, filly kept saying that we were flirting, and how I like you, I didn't want you to get wind up about it, or make u feel embarrassed infront of your friends, most importantly ruin our friendship"

He moves closer too me again.

"Kaylee, why would you ever think I'd get embarrassed of you? You're literally amazing, you're beautiful and everyone loves you, it would be a flex if I had you. I would never ever get embarrassed"

"Wait what?"
"You know it's true! You're always enjoying yourself in the mirror!"
"Shut up sharky" I say laughing.

he hugged me. It was such an unreal feeling, I've had relationships in the past, but not once they made me feel a way I felt with sharky and we're not even in a couple.

He looks at me.

"but wait you like me?"
"I never said that, I said filly said that"
"anyways everyone's waiting for these drinks" I say interrupting him.
"Yeah.. I guess."
we take the drinks through, we both walk in with a huge smile on our faces.

Fully gives me a look as in "I TOLD YOU SO" I dirty look him, but laugh.

I notice something though, Kenny puts his thumbs up at sharky, and sharky does the same, then they burst out laughing?
What was going on.

———————-sharkys pov————————

A few days ago, me and kenny were talking about kaylee. Kenny said she looked "easy" my heart sunk to my stomach but I didn't want too seem asif I liked her in anyway, so I agree. He said that if I manage to make her my girlfriend in 3 weeks, he'll give me money.
————————-back to Kaylee———————

I had my interview tomorrow I was such a wreck, everyone was calming me down, but sharky was being A LOT nicer than usual, it was asif he was being forced into doing something, I brushed it off.
Me and filly end up leaving, sharky hugs me again, this time a little extra.
Filly was talking ab how sharky defo likes me, I was getting exited but didn't want too show it, he defo noticed though. He was saying how we would make such a cute couple, and everyone on YouTube, and insta was shipping us. I told him to shush and we were home.

982 words.
(Hey guys sorry if this is a total twist, if u don't like it I'll delete this and just go back to its original story!! but what will happen? Will they stop talking forever..? Sorry if this didn't make sense, I'm so tired rn but thought you'd deserved a new chapter! So enjoy, qt🥧's)
(P.s. I know I should've added this chapter before the rest of them but I just thought of it on the spot😭😭)

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