The job

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the next day, I had to wake up early, I jumped straight onto the shower, and hurried out.

I done my makeup so natural. I wore a super natural outfit.

I got into the job and the just asked me normal question "why would you like to work here?"
"Are you good at what you do?"
Etc, etc.

"So we have decided that.. YOU GOT THE JOB. Congratulations."
"Thank you so much! When do I start?"
"You start next Monday."
"Okay, thank you so much!"
-End of conversation-
I got home, I ran to filly, "DID YOU GET THE JOB?!"
"OMG CONGRATULATIONS!" He says, hugging me.
"Thank you, fill"
"The guys want us to go up again"
"Really? Who asked?" I say praying he says sharky.
"Sharky did actually"
I can feel my heart sink
"REALLY?" I shout
"YES" he shouts back
"Hey Kay.."
"Do you like sharky..?"
"lol what?" "You're obsessing over him kaylee, don't act asif I can't see it. I just want you too know though, if you do I won't be mad, it's none of my business, and I just want you too be happy!"
"Well if you're putting it that way, I do have an attraction towards him, I wouldn't say I like him, that's a strong word"
"So if you got to know him better, you'll possibly like him?"

"I can see myself liking him filly, yes."
"Bro there's no way he'll go out with me? Are you joking. That would be so embarrassing if he said no" I say quite sadly.
"Kaylee, you should see the way he looks at you, when you're not looking. I've told you this."
"Filly you're being dramatic."
"No I'm not, we'll see tonight."
We go up to sharkys today, he greets me with a hug.
Everyone looks at me I look at them confused?
"What do yous want? Are yous okay.." I say
"BRO DID U GET THE JOB OR NOT" chunkz spits out with.
I decided to look at them sadly, and pretend I didn't.
All of there smiles dropped "it's okay kaylee, there's loads of other jobs" aj says
I can see fully trying too hold in his laugh.
"Why would I need another job? IF I GOT THIS ONE"
Everyone jumps up shouting.
Sharky comes over too me, he says "omg I'm so proud of you" and hugs me a little tighter.
Maybe filly was right? I snap out of it nah no way, we're only friends.

filly asks sharky if it was okay if nella came up, sharky agreed and said "that's absolutely fine" sharky says.

I've never met nella, but I've saw her socials, she has the same energy as me. She's amazing.

Half an hour later nella comes up. She comes straight over too me and says "omg kaylee!! I've heard so much about you I've been dying to meet you forever. Your so beautiful" she says

"awww stop, thank you sm!! I've saw your insta, I love you sm already, you match my vibe and I'm here for it!"
"Filly why have I never met her before?! She's amazing!!"
"She stays all the way in Columbia" filly says
"Yeah I'm only here, i accidentally applied too a job here by accident, and filly offered me too stay with him, until I get on my toes. I actually got the job properly today"

"Omg no way!! That sounds like something fully would do though, accidentally end up with a job in a whole other country! That's amazing though girl" she says "thank you nella!!" I say back.


"OMG YES!!" I say back, I've always been one of those girls who love to dress up, and now I actually have a reason too I thought.

"That's a shout, get all the gyalll" chunkz says
"Can I invite darkest man?" He says.
"Yes of course!"

Everyone agrees and decides too go out.

Everyone goes back too theirs to get ready.

On the way home all I hear is filly saying how sharkys deeply in love with me, he's more delusional than I am!


"Filly, me and sharky are just friends. He doesn't see me like that." I say

"We'll see."

we go back home and I start too get ready, I wanted sharkys jaw too drop. I wore a tight little red dress, that brought out my curves it was perfect.
Filly sees me and says "now that's definitely gonna get sharkys attention"
"That was my plan" I say laughing

Everyone meets up again

we didn't really want to get noticed so we decided too go too a small club, Everyone gets there drinks.

I saw sharky look at me, and he walks over too me. "Kaylee omg you look beautiful" "so I don't look beautiful every other time?" "Shut up! You know what I meant" he laughs "I'm just joking sharks, thank you. You don't look too bad yourself" I say. He smiles, and walks over too aj"

I go up too nella and I tell her how beautiful she looks "got me blushing! You look gorgeous. Now let's go find us man's!" She shouted.

"Haha! We can try" "eh no we will!" She says.
I can see sharky, from where I'm standing. He doesn't look so happy? Why? He looks quite angry actually.

Before I got the chance too ask him if he was okay, nella grabs my arm. We see two men, nella runs over too them. We're just having small talk with them, but he starts too touch my waist, it made me quite uncomfortable. I can see sharky looking at me. I think he could see the uncomfortable look on my face. I tried to play it cool though, he grabs my hand and stands up, I thought maybe he wanted to dance so I went along with it. I grab my drink, but it tastes a little funny? I never really drank though, so I thought it was the vodka.

I start too feel dizzy, nauseous, almost asif I was gonna pass out.

I was tumbling about the place, until the man grabs my arm and tried too take me outside.

Sharky runs up to him and says "what do u think you're doing?"
"What does it look like bro?" He says, trying to get bold.
"It looks like you're trying too take her home." Sharky says.
"Well obvs I am?"
Sharky looks at me, and realises the mess I'm in.
"Have u drugged her drink?!"

Everything's starting to get blurry

Before I know it sharky punches the man, and they get into a fight. That's all I know before I pass out.

Everyone hears the commotion happening outside, everyone runs out.

Kenny and chunkz broke up the fight. Filly sees me on the floor, "SHES NOT WAKING UP, SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE" aj phoned the ambulance.

1179 words.

sharkys girl.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ