Chapter twenty- Danny

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Lianna broke the news to John a few hours ago about Sam's death. He cried for a while but he would be okay. Tally was upset too. I think we all were.
"Are they gonna be okay?"
Lianna shed a tear down her face. "Yeah but it's never easy to break news that someone you loved died."
"I know this is a bad time but uhh....that almost kiss we had before all that-"
"Lianna look man I can't take this anymore." I really couldn't. She looked at me with those beautiful confused eyes. "I've been dying to get with you since you moved to this school."
"You mean before the apocalypse?"
"Way before the apocalypse, but before never even noticed me."
"That's so not true.! I noticed you went to that party that Zach threw last Halloween. And I noticed you were in my class and on my bus. I noticed your super hot fully hair and your glittery eyes and your-" Liana gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. I grabbed her hands and pulled them away from her face and planted a kiss like it was my last breath. "Does this mean what I think it means?" Lianna asked.
"Your mine and no one else an have you you hear me?" I shuttered thinking of when Omar tried her. "No one! I made that clear with Omar." Another tear shed down her face.
"Your my pretty lady" I planted another kiss when I hear "eeeeewwwwww" coming from the doorframe. Tally and John stared in disgust. We laughed it off and continued trying to cheer them up. AJ and Maddi returned to the room and we all tried to move on and be happy. It was gonna take a while to get over Sam, but we knew we could learn to be happy. She may not be here physically. But we know she is in spirit.

The End

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