Chapter Twelve: Maddi

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I look over the edge of the boat to see a beautiful tropical island. It must've been their plan to go somewhere remote away from the zombies. I look over to see AJ staring at the corner of my eye. I couldn't help but blush.
"Alright guys were here!" Lianna exclaimed.
"FINALLY!" Tally shouted.
We all exited the boat. We had a few moments of fresh air until-
"Sam? Sam?" I shouted in fear. I just got my best friend back i wasn't going to loose her now!
Danny tossed me a gun.
"Danny where is Sam?"
"Dunno." I got so worried, my gut wrenching. I hear a shriek and it's a zombie approaching tally. Sam jumps in in front of her to save her she points the gun and shoots but misses. She clearly has had no experience with aiming guns. AJ shoots it's dead while Sam is stopped in her tracks. Paralyzed in fear. I take a closer look as I approach her and I see blood staining her shirt.
"Did it get you?" I asked in a worrisome tone.
"No that's from the boarding accident i think I scratched it when I fell tryna get to the girl."
I felt relief when I heard that. I really didn't wnat to loose my best friend.
AJ glances at me. "You can go take care of that with her we will be right out." He looks at me with sparkles in his eyes. I can't help but feel some kind of way when I'm around him. Like it's all gonna be okay...even if it isn't.
I walk Sam to the bathroom on the boat and I grab some towels and wet the as I hand them to her to put on the wound.
"So.....AJ huh?"
"What about him Sam?" I say rolling my eyes in a smirk.
"Oh girly don't play dumb. I see the way he looks at you...and the way you were TOTALLY trying not to blush when he talks." She paused momentarily. "You like him don't ya?"
"What? Ha no!"
"Mads don't even try to lie. I'm your best friend, it's no use."
Sam was right. There was no use. The way he makes me feel. I can hide it from him all I want. But She's always gonna know the truth.
"Wow!" Sam and I turn around to see Danny passing by the bathroom.
"OMG please don't tell!" I exclaimed.
"Dude relax. I'm not gonna tell. Plus you seem like you got it bad!" Danny smirked.
"Oh shut up!" Sam chuckled. "It's even More Obvious that you've got the hots for Leeanna!"
"Ahem it's Lianna actually."
"Whatever. I can't blame you she's hot."
"Sam!" I shouted!
"Doesn't matter Danny you're secret safe with us." Sam winked and walked out the bathroom. I trailed after her while giving him a small shrug while exiting. This was going to be a hustle of an adventure. But Danny stopped me in my tracks.
"Do you think she likes me back?" Danny asked hesitantly.
"Umm...not sure I haven't seen y'all together much but I mean we're kind of on the brink of extinction what better time to tell her yk?" I walked away knowing what I said was lingering in his brain.

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