Chapter Thirteen: Danny

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After the talk with Maddi I was convinced. I walk off the boat and looked at the dead zombie Laying in front of my feet. It then hit me. We were on a remote island...what was anyone doing there. I see the zombie was an older woman id say in her 50s maybe she has already had grey hair and wrinkles. I didn't want to think much of it. She's dead anyways. So I rush over to Lianna and I did the best I can to confront her.
"Hey Lianna."
Lianna's head whips her hair around to face me. God! She was beautiful.
"Oh hey Danny! What's up?"
Just then AJ walks up.
"Hey Lianna Tally and John seem to be taking care of themselves so they're wandering the woods practicing their shots I'm gon go look around. Also I found these berries wanna try one? They taste like fruit loops, maybe that's how they're made."
I grab a berry from AJ and taste it.
"Pretty good."
"Yeah I'ma go now."
He then walks away.
"I'm sorry Danny what were you saying?"
I didn't want to tell her. Not yet. But I'm already in too deep if I say something random she'll know and think I'm a fool. My heart was beating louder than my brain could think. Was I turning red? I was turning red.
"Umm Danny you don't look so good." She gently pressed the back of her hand against my forehead. "You must've caught what Maddi had. Come on let's get you back in the boat to lay down."
Well...there was my perfect excuse to get out of that situation. But now I wonder what would happen if I had just told her. After a few steps I realized I really DIDNT feel all that well. I felt like even walking was a chore.
"Lianna wait."
She turns around and looks me in the eyes. I can see her eyes drift to the middle of my face.
"Oh my God your nose!"
I then feel the drips of blood coming down my face. I start to feel faint. I tried to walk it off but then I couldn't even talk. It's like my body was moving. But I wasn't functioning. I wasn't actually there. My vision blurred until....I passed out.
I woke up and Lianna had a wet rag over my head.
"Are you okay Danny?" She said with concern.
"Yeah I'm okay I think."
I tried to sit up but she wasn't fond of that idea.
"No no no don't get up too fast."
Just then the blood rushed back out of my nose. She grabs a paper towel and holds it up to my face.
"I told you, your nose hasn't stopped bleeding."
"How long was I out for?"
She paused to think. "About 3 minutes maybe. I think you hit your nose on something might even be broken with it bleeding that much."
"But I haven't hit it on anything. Nor is it even bruised." She stopped to think again.
Just then Maddi and Sam come in trying to  hold AJ up and set him on the bed.
"What's going on?" Lianna asked sharply. Then I notice that AJ had blood running out of his slightly opened eyes. He looked drowsy.
"AJ COME ON STAY WITH ME! IS HE DYING?" Maddi shouted in straight up fear.
Lianna rushed over and looked at AJ then looked at me. Just then AJ passed out. Lianna checked his pulse.
"His pulse is a bit weak. But he's breathing."
"What do we do?!" Sam shrieked.
"Danny has the same symptoms, now we wait." Lianna said while looking at me in worry. No one should have to put up with as much as she did. She was strong. I loved that about her.

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