Chapter Six- Lianna

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I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I was double checking the cabin, the deck, the first floor, the second floor, and for safe measure I went to go check the roof. And I saw AJ sitting with Tally. He was so gentle with her and for some reason...I found it quite attractive. I sat there for a good five to ten minutes watching and listening to them talk as if I was a stalker, or some undercover agent. I couldn't help myself. Danny's orange-red hair, round face yet sharp jawline. Slim picture perfect body, and oh those hazel green eyes! And don't even get me started on his smile. Eventually I brang myself to come out from behind the steps.
"Hey guys!" I tried to say as casual as humanly possible."what are y'all up to?"
"Nun we were just talking" Danny said.
"I TOLD DANNY MY NAME!" Tally exclaimed with a bright smile.
"That's cool, what is it?" I said as if I haven't been listening to them talk the whole time.
"It's Tally but Danny nicknamed me Tal"
She smiled with the cutest dimples.
"Well guess what tal?"I said with much enthusiasm.
"Apparently the owner of this boat before us also had a little girl your age and I found some crayons and a coloring book if you want to color."
"I would love to tal but I have some work to do with AJ, but Lianna would love to."
"Lianna?" Tally looked at me with wide eyes.
"Of course. Let's go downstairs." I said with a chuckle. Although I did wonder what was so important Danny had to tell AJ but I didn't want to be nosey so I tried to leave it alone. Plus I'm not goin to lie, I was a bit jealous Tally liked Danny more than me so... Coloring it is.
"Hey Tal last one there is a walking zombie!"
I slowed down last second so that-
"Aweee man I guess you do." I said with a chuckle. She was sweet but curiosity still stuck to me about what Danny and AJ were up to.

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