Chapter nine- Lianna

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I believe I have every right to be confused about Danny. One minute he's sweet and gentle, and makes sure I get rest. Then he was rude and aggravating the next. Right now he was being sweet so I took advantage of it as much as I could.
"I can tell you didn't get much sleep last night, so I'll take care of everything while you get some rest okay?"
"Okay." I said softly and doubtfully. I hesitated, but before he left the room I said; "wait!"
Danny turned around to face me. "What's up?"
"Could you stay? Just for a little while." It wasn't a big ask, but it felt like it was. The words asking Danny to stay with me to help me fall asleep was like shoving a rock down my throat. But thankfully Danny nodded without a beat of hesitation. He sat at the right hand edge of the bed and rubbed my back. I closed my eyes and it only took me a few seconds to doze right off.
I opened my eyes and the sun measured slightly after noon.i went down to the kitchen because I haven't ate in what felt like forever. But before I could scravage around I saw a note on the counter saying:

"here's a sandwich for when you wake up. Meet us outside, we found and island."

Island?! What?! We weren't supposed to arrive for another few days. I take the sandwich and sprint outside. When I board off the boat I see AJ teaching tally how to spot a gun.
"Good job kid!" AJ exclaimed with pride in his tone.
"Thanks!" Tally had the warmest smile on her face.
"Hey guys." I said wondering how to AJ and Tal. "Where's Danny?"
"Danny's out in the woods explorin" AJ said, his southern accent always threw me off for some reason.
"Wait, by himself?!"
"Don't worry, he took a gun with him."
"I- wh- where which direction?"I stamered.
"Eh bout northeast." AJ said while quite literally pointing northeast.
I ran in said direction. I had no idea where I was going. But I would be even more clueless if I knew something had happened to Danny. After a few mins of searching, I was about to turn around to see eif he had headed back to the boat, until I saw his gun laying flat on the ground. For a second my heart stopped. But then I looked up and saw Danny staring endlessly into the water.
"Are you okay?" I asked concerned.
"Lianna your awake!" He exclaimed. "Yeah I'm all good, I just wanted to find some peace." His face flinched at the sound of him saying those specific words aloud.
"You don't get much of that, do you Danny?"
"No..." He said hesitantly. "No I don't..."
My heart ached for him.
"My dad died when I was eight. And when he didn my mom fell into drugs and alcohol. A few years ago she started seeing other men the became pregnant with my little brother. When he left her she dug deeper into temporary habits and it got worse. The more stress she encounters the more abuse she put on me..."
He explained with such ease it felt like he didn't even care anymore, no. Not that he didn't care. That he was used to it... Which absolutely broke my heart.
"I haven't felt or even known peace, since I was eight. Now that everyone I know is gone...." He gulped. "I don't know what I. Supposed to do with myself."
"I'm so sorry Danny." I didn't know what else to say. I wish I could be been more reassuring. Until he said this...
"Don't be sorry. Cuz now I get to wake up to you everyday." I paused. "Lianna I can't get you out of my head. I see you when I wake up, when I go to sleep, hell, even in my dreams your still there. Lianna, I fell for you."
I felt like a fish out of water. I had no idea what to say. Instead I just let my heart take over and say what I've been DYING to say to him.
"Danny I am so glad your telling me this cuz... I fell for you too."
He grabbed me by my face and leaned forward for what I believed was a kiss. But before he could I heard my name being called in the distance. It got louder and louder untill....
"Lianna!!! Wake up!!!" I guess it was all a part of my dream. Little did I know my reality was gonna change.
"dude, our cruise collided with a fishing boat!"
"WHAT?!" I said in disbelief. "Are they okay?"
"I dunno, there's three people boarded we got them on our boat safe but two are chronically injured." I rushed downstairs to the main deck. I see two teenaged girls and a little boy. The boy had a few scrapes and bruises but seemed to be fine. Crying his eyes out worried for his sister and her friend. The two laying on a pull out bed. Both were unconscious.
This was going to suck!

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