Master Intro: Oscar Reyes

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The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with a beautiful blend of oranges and purples. Oscar "Flores" Reyes stood on a barren hillside, clutching a rosary and a picture of the Virgin Mary under the moonlit sky in his trembling hands. He had made up his mind to join the Holy Grail War, driven by the need to prove himself to his family and a desire to make a meaningful change in the world.

Oscar hesitated for a moment, the weight of his decision pressing heavily on his chest. He took a deep breath, recalling the words of his teacher, who had told him that summoning a Servant was a matter of connecting one's soul to the vast tapestry of history. With renewed determination, he began to chant the incantation that would bridge the gap between the past and present.

As he spoke the final words, the rosary and picture in his hands began to glow with a radiant light. A sudden gust of wind whipped around Oscar, forming a vortex of swirling energy. From within the tempest, a figure materialized, bathed in a divine aura. As the wind subsided, the figure was revealed to be none other than the Virgin Mary herself, a serene smile on her face.

"Art thou my Master?" she asked, her voice soft and gentle, like a calming breeze.

Oscar, awestruck by her presence, stammered, "Y-yes, I am Oscar Reyes. I am honored to have you as my Servant, Holy Mother."

Mary's smile grew warmer as she replied, "It is a privilege to serve thee, Oscar. Together, we shall walk the path of righteousness in this Holy Grail War."

With the Virgin Mary by his side, Oscar felt a surge of hope and confidence. Despite the immense challenges that lay ahead, he knew that he was not alone. He would face the Holy Grail War with the guidance and protection of his divine Servant, seeking to bring about a better future for himself, his family, and the world.


The following day, the sun beat down upon the city, casting a warm and welcoming light upon the streets. Oscar and his newly summoned Servant, Mary, had made their way to a discreet café, where they had arranged to meet with Lysander Euryale, the wise Mage who oversaw this Grail War, and a man whom Oscar had sought out to help guide him through it, as much as was permissible anyways.

As they waited for Lysander to arrive, Oscar and Mary engaged in conversation, finding solace and comfort in each other's presence. Mary, with her infinite wisdom and serenity, helped to ease Oscar's nervousness, while Oscar's genuine kindness and desire to do good in the world resonated deeply with Mary.

"I am truly grateful for your guidance, Holy Mother," Oscar said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I hope that together, we can navigate the challenges that lie ahead."

Mary's eyes sparkled with determination as she replied, "Indeed, my child. With faith and perseverance, we shall overcome any obstacles that stand in our path."

As they spoke, Lysander entered the café, his piercing gaze scanning the room before settling upon Oscar and Mary. With a nod of acknowledgement, he approached their table, his expression stern yet warm.

"Greetings, Oscar," he began, extending a hand to the young mage. "I see you have successfully summoned your Servant. A remarkable choice, I must say. My congratulations for possessing the necessary Catalyst and compatibility to call forth such a fine Heroic Spirit."

Oscar shook Lysander's hand, feeling a sense of reassurance from the older Mage's presence. "Thank you, Lysander. I couldn't have done it without your guidance. If you hadn't contacted me to join the war-"

"Think nothing of it. All I've done is my duty, nothing more, nothing less. Now then, let me give you what advice I can for the war ahead..."

As they sat and spoke, Lysander offered his wisdom and experience, advising Oscar on how to approach the Holy Grail War. All the while, the bond between Oscar and Mary continued to grow, their connection strengthened by their shared commitment to doing good in a world fraught with danger and darkness.

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