Chapter -11

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Recap- Shaoshang came up with a plan to prevent Prince Xiao from meeting He Zhaojun. She shot arrows at Ling Buyi to alert him about the information he was looking for, dressed all in black. She stood on the roof and stared at him until he moved. Ling Buyi's people approached her, and now it's time for Shaoshang to escape.


Shaoshang ran through the corridors at full speed. She had carefully planned her actions before leaving her house, spending the evening crafting a bow and arrows.

"Here's my cloak," Shaoshang said as she picked up her cloak.

She anxiously awaited the next part of her plan, her heart racing as the soldiers drew nearer. She knew that once they arrived, her options would be limited.She had chosen a crowded location for her attack - a fabric store, where both men and women were eager to buy new fabrics. Here, she believed she could go unnoticed, both entering and leaving.

"Buy this for 84coins ....19 coins....96coins.." a shopkeeper yelled in the background.

"Anytime now. " Shaoshang whispered as she was counting seconds in her mind.

A few soldiers entered the shop, causing Shaoshang's heart to race even faster. It seemed like her plan might fail.

She lowered her head and began to walk toward the exit door.

Then, there was a sudden explosion from outside. The explosion wasn't large-scale but was enough to create a diversion for her to escape without difficulty. With the sound of the explosion, everyone in the shop was momentarily startled.

"It's my cue to leave," Shaoshang said and slipped away from under the noses of the soldiers.

As soon as she stepped outside the shop, she effortlessly blended into the crowd. Her primary goal was to maintain a safe distance and head towards Tian Restaurant to ensure that He Zhaojun and Yao stayed together and that everything proceeded smoothly. The tension was growing every second.

"Where is it? Where is it?" Shaoshang muttered as she tried to navigate through the bustling crowd.

Then she heard someone cry out for help. Unable to ignore the plea, she followed the sound.

It turned out to be none other than Princess Yuchang, pretending to drown. Shaoshang was still uncertain about why the crowd had gathered and who needed assistance. In the confusion, someone from the crowd inadvertently pushed her, causing her to push another person into the lake.

"Princess was only pretending to drown," someone in the crowd said, and laughter erupted.

"Princess, drowning... what exactly is happening?" Shaoshang turned toward the lake, only to see Princess Yuchang looking embarrassed in the water.

This time, Shaoshang hadn't meant to push anyone in. It had been an accident.
I didn't do it , really. Though it was just a dream,Reality doesn't seem different.As Shaoshang thought about how some things won't change . It made her laugh thinking that some people can never change.

Ling Buyi, passing by, noticed Shaoshang looking at the princess. Once again, his sharp gaze softened, and a faint smile crossed his face.

He Zhaojun, where are you?

Shaoshang muttered to herself and continued on her way to the restaurant. She reached the courtyard with the well, but she was out of breath from all the running. Stopping to catch her breath, she placed a hand on her stomach and leaned over.

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