Chapter -5

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Shaoshang, with her family, was seated to have breakfast.

She was looking at her palms. She was extremely hungry. She hadn't eaten anything in the past few days. Finally, she gave in, and her hand moved towards the flatbread.

Her mother gazed at her and roughly cleared her throat. Shaoshang stopped at that moment and, without looking at her mother, took her hand back.

Later, Shaoshang and her maid servant were standing in front of her room. She was not feeling well and wanted to take a walk.

"Young Lady, how did your grandmother change her mind?"
"My mother is always a step ahead and knows how to use my father."

"Do you really think that?" a voice comes from behind.

Shaoshang turned and found her mother standing with a wooden ruler in her hand.

"How unruly you are! Extend your hands," her mother said.

Shaoshang extended her hand, and she knew what was going to happen next.

Her mother hit her with the wooden ruler and said, "From now on, you'll stay in your room and copy the Book of Rites." Then she turned back and walked away.

Shaoshang smiled and went back to her room.


"Young Master, he confessed everything."

"Though he didn't know what was happening, he still committed a crime. He needs to be banished to the border regions," General said.

He continued, "Inform the High Court. Before he's banished, let him go back to the Cheng residence.

Fei and Qi looked at each other in confusion.

General Ling continued, "Because of the Fourth lady, we could find the clue and arrest Mr. Dong. We should return the favor and repay her."

He smiled as he sat in front of his table. It was in his nature to kill two birds with one stone. He wanted to see Shaoshang. Mr. Dong was a perfect cover for it.


(At Cheng's Residence)

"You cannot even read these simple characters," her mother shouted.

Shaoshang was well-read, and she knew everything better than anyone present in that room. After all, the EMPRESS taught her. But she still acted illiterate because Madam Ge really didn't teach her anything, and she wanted to show this to her parents.

"Read this. And you are not allowed to eat or leave this room until you finish writing this," her mother said and stormed off.

"Liang Fang, I am hungry. Bring me something to eat."

After waiting for some time, Shaoshang got up and left the room to find Liang Fang.

She reached the main hall where she found Yang Yang.
"Have you seen Liang Fang, cousin sister?"
"Niao Niao, I think she went to the kitchen."

"Young Lady!" Liang Fang came running towards her and gave her a flatbread. "Young Lady! Young Lady! Your Uncle Dong is standing outside."

Shaoshang took the flatbread and said, "I am returning to my study room."

Yang Yang also left for her room.

Shaoshang stood in the courtyard for a minute. Liang Fang again went to the kitchen to find some more flatbreads.

Should I go outside or not? Is it important? I don't think so.... Ahh! Why is my body always aching? It is so difficult to stand.

From afar, Ling Buyi was standing along with her subordinates. He could see everything clearly. Shaoshang's back was facing him.

"Why isn't the Fourth lady going outside?" A' fei spoke after seeing Shaoshang.

A'qi side-eyed him. Ling Buyi was looking at Shaoshang.

Madam Ge exited from the main hall and saw Shaoshang. She knew how weak she was but still deliberately pushed her while passing by.

Shaoshang fell on the ground, and her palms got scratched. Madam Ge stopped and turned back, stepping on the flatbread that fell in front of Shaoshang.

Then, giving her a side smile, she walked away and rushed towards the gate.

"When did I become this weak?" Shaoshang thought. She tried to lift her body, but the scratches on her palms made her lose control, and she struggled to get up... Ahh!!! My hands hurt. This time, I didn't do anything to her... still she... Now you wait, Madam Ge, Niao Niao always takes her revenge.

Liang Fang, after seeing her, came rushing down. "Young Lady!!! What happened?"
"Liang Fang, listen to me carefully. Go outside and say these things exactly the way I am telling you." Her maid servant nodded and tried to help her rise.
"Leave me! Go outside now!"

Liang Fang nodded and rushed outside.

Shaoshang, after struggling, finally got up. She dusted her clothes, picked up the flatbread, and cleaned it. She limped towards her room.

"Did she just push the Fourth lady?" A'fei said in shock... "Wait! She even stepped on her food! That woman is evil."

The three men watched Shaoshang struggle while getting up.

"Young lady... what is she... doing...?? She picked it up!!!... She won't eat it, right...? She ate it," A'fei said in shock as from far it looked like she ate it.

"Keep your voice down," A'qi said in an irritated voice.

"They don't even give her proper meals," A'fei said.


In her mind, Shaoshang already laid out the plan. She knew how she was going to trick Madam Ge. She wasn't going to do it first, but now she will do it. She looks at her flatbread... I know the value of food... I am not going to throw it. This isn't the first time someone stepped on my food. This part is clean. This is edible. Birds can eat this part. My body has become extremely weak. This time I am not going to ignore my health. I am important to me. I will take care of myself.

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