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It was a typical day at the Department of Fate, a celestial office of immense splendor and ethereal beauty. All around, angels in resplendent robes of pure white moved gracefully, their wings gently fluttering as they attended to their celestial duties. The office itself was a sight to behold, with pillars of glistening crystal and walls adorned with intricate celestial tapestries depicting the grand tapestry of life.

On a raised platform at the heart of the office, the God of Fate, dressed in a majestic flowing white robe, presided over a humongous white table. Perched on his nose, his reading glasses allowed him to peruse the sacred tome of destiny, the one fate book that held the stories of countless souls.

Suddenly, an exclamation of shock and dismay echoed through the celestial chamber, as the God of Fate discovered a particular entry in the book that unsettled him deeply. With great drama, he slammed the book shut, causing all the angels to cease their work and stand up from their seats.

Curiosity filled the air, and one angel dared to inquire, "Why is he shouting?"

"Must have read something he didn't like," another angel responded.

"He has become more dramatic," added a third.

"Yes! He is watching Keeping up with the Kardashians," chimed in yet another, and the angels nodded in amused agreement.

Approaching the distressed deity, an angel with concern in their eyes asked, "What happened, my Lord?"

"Why did she forgive him?" the God of Fate lamented, clearly tormented by the revelation in the fate book.

"Who, my Lord?"

"This Shaoshang!" The God's frustration was evident as he referred to the individual in question.

With a touch of trepidation, the angel picked up the fate book and read the entire story, seeking to understand the intricacies of the situation.

"My Lord, she thought it was the right thing to do," the angel explained gently.

"RIGHT! RIGHT, MY FOOT! She regrets her life after that. She couldn't trust him after marrying him!" the God exclaimed, his emotions raw.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he slumped into his chair, his voice now trembling with sorrow. "Such a bad fate! I don't accept it. Send her back!"

"Please, my Lord, it's almost 11:30pm," the concerned angel interjected.


"Several forms need to be filled. We need permission from the Department of Time and clearance from the Department of Soul," the angel explained.

"Do as I say!" the God commanded, his grief-stricken determination evident. "First, her parents left, and then...then this General made my little girl cry. Send her back! Right now! Tomorrow would be too late! She won't be able to go back," he pleaded before storming out of the room.

"My fellow Angels! Stop all your work and gather here !!! You fill the form of soul collection. You go to the time department!" The angel commanded everyone.

" But Angel , The time department closed early."

" What!!!!What should we do now?"

"Angel , make it a dream . We can make it a dream. And it won't need permission from the time department. But 50 forms are required to be filled."

"Bring me everything."

" Angel, What to write in this - 'How to distinguish between dream and reality?'..?"

" The bite mark. But make it a little visible. A full mark will require wasting more time."

"Angel , what should she remember from the dream?"

" Think for yourself. .... "

"Angel , how many people do we need to send back?"

" I think it was 2.... Yes yes !! Two "

" Angel , what should she remember from the dream?"

"Whatever... Ohh my head hurts . Wait make her remember that general... And and ... That man ...andd Why my head is hurting ??? Ahhh!! Give her ... I don't have energy left!!!!!  She could remember..."

" Angel ! Angel! "


"Angel, only 10 minutes are left . We need to hurry."

"Fine!! You fill this form. You go to that department and find a new form."

In a corner an angel sat quietly and filled the form , WHAT SHOULD SHE REMEMBER FROM THE DREAM.

"Head Angel said, remember
General, check. ✔️
That man , check. ✔️
Head ache , check✔️
Pain and agony, check.✔️
Every memory , check ✔️........ Oh this question is new ! Person remembers everything clearly, obv-"

Before he could read the options , an angel snatched the form.

"Wait....Form isn't complete." Before the angel could utter the complete sentence , the head Angel already was out of sight .

"Wait, Angel ! What happens when a form about memory remains incomplete?" He asked a passing by Angel.

" Umm.. that person tends to forget things. In case of time travel , there is no worry. But in the case of a dream , that person will forget things with time. "  Angel said after thinking.

"But , what if the question of 'remember everything ' is ticked?" The angel asked in a worried voice.

"Oh !!! Poor Human. They will remember everything. They will forget everything. And the headache.... Ufff.... Don't get me started on it." 

The Angel didn't think much about it and returned to his desk to gather some of his things .

He left after a stressful day.

In a corner, a paper rested , with a heading, 'Fill if want to change the fate (if not , no changes made )'.


Okay ! Okay! I know this chapter is absurd 😂  But BUT!! I had so much fun writing this one.
So this is how she traveled back .

Was it as funny as I think it is ? 🥲

Is it a spoiler or not? 😉

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