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Pov Wilhelm
I look at my phone. A number i dont know sent me a link and a text message that said

- Is that you?

I click on it and stare at the screen. That can't be. How? Who? When and where is clear that was at the weekend.

We couldn't be at Simon's house all the time, so at some point we came to my room and did 'you know what' and someone must have filmed us. But who does that shit? And why?

I breathe faster and faster and look over at Simon. Apparently he hasn't seen it yet, because he's smiling happily. Should I tell him? Or should I just let him?

Because sooner or later he'll find out anyway. But if he realizes that I knew before he did and didn't tell him, he won't be happy at all. I quickly go to him and pull his arm with me. I don't care that he was in the middle of a conversation.

"Are you stupid?!" I push him into the next best room. "What the fuck do you want?!" I show him the video without a word. After a few minutes, he brings out a soft "What? It's not real, is it?" he looks at me questioningly.

"It is real" I reply. "Are you kidding me?!" "No" "But..." he sits down on a chair. "I'm sorry. If I had known we would be filmed..." he cuts me off. "It's my fault as well. We're in this together."

Simon stands up and hugs me. I wrap my arms around him tightly, a small tear rolling down my cheek. "Wille? Simon?" someone is searching for us. "Where are you?" I hear Felice now.

"Come" Simon whispers in my ear. "We'll survive somehow" I nod. We go out together. When Felice spots us, she quickly runs towards us.

"Everyone saw it. The gate at the parking lot, by the way, has now been closed and locked, but there are already a lot of people from the press and shocked parents in front of it, who don't want their children to go to a school with gay classmates." "Fuck" "You can say that out loud"

"Go away, hide somewhere, the main thing is that they don't find you" "Great" I take Simon's hand and pull him with me. "Where are we going?" "To my room" we quickly walk down the long corridors until we get to the door.

We're followed by classmates who keep telling us things like, "Is that real?"
"Are you together?"
"The prince is gay, I don't believe this"
"Wille really has to grab the poorest boy if he at least had money".

I open the door, we go in and I quickly lock it. Those who have followed us knock on it every second. "What just happend?" Simon is sitting on my bed. "And who the fuck filmed and posted that?" "I don't know" I sit next to him. "But... we... that can't be"

He rests his head on my shoulder. The curtains are still closed from this morning, fortunately. Otherwise I'd have paparazzi here or something and nobody wants that. It's enough if someone has filmed us, we don't need others.

"You're taking it all so calmly. How do you do that?" "I... I'm not calmly, it just seems so" I stutter. "And why does it seems so?" "Exercise. Also, I don't want to scream in front of you, freak out, cry and certainly not have a panic attack" I say quietly. He puts his arms around me.

"Did we do something wrong?" he asks after a while. I shake my head. "I don't think so" my phone rings. I was expecting a call sooner or later anyway. I look at the screen.

Why is Erik calling me? I would have expected many, but him? Via Facetime?

I break away from Simon and hesitantly pick up. "Erik. You can be mad at me if you want" "Wille finally" he is apparently lying in his bed. "Why should I be mad at you?" he asks as if he has absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. "There are many reasons, but one is very present right now"

"I'm not mad. Mom is just going completely crazy because of the video" fuck. But did I expect something else? No. "Yeah sorry and what should I do now exactly?" "Next time the curtains close!? No, seriously, what were you thinking?" he looks at me questioningly. "I like him?!" I grin. "Oh boy. Wille!" he laughs.

"How do you feel?" "Do you mean how I feel about the fact that the whole world can see a very private video of me that I didn't even know about until a few minutes ago. Or rather how I feel about that our mom is freaking out right now, because of the video. Or maybe how I feel about being outed to the whole world. Oh, or do you mean how I feel about liking Simon, a boy?" he gives me his 'please shut up and answer my question' look.

"I don't know how I feel. I just feel empty." "I see" I rub my hand faster and faster over my chest. "Shall I come today?" he looks at me questioningly. "You don't have to. It... it's fine" I stutter. "Okay" he says skeptically.

"Wille?" "Hm?" "Could you perhaps calm down anyway? I can see that you are feeling bad" he says, a little worried. "Is that why you called Facetime?" "I know you" he grins. My hand is moving faster and faster and slowly I can feel everything coming up inside me.

I'm breathing faster and faster. Simon looks at me worried and scoots a little closer. He carefully places his hand on mine and patiently waits for me to move it a little more slowly. Erik smiles contentedly, waves briefly and then hangs up. I slowly calm down and lean against the wall, exhausted.

A few minutes later my phone rings again, this time it's my mom. I ignore her, but since she keeps calling over and over again, I eventually answer. But before I did that, I took Simon's hand for emotional support.

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