
The home where Jungkook's mother spent her last days, he took his girlfriend to the same place. His old home.

It was little dusty but everythings were just like that. Thank god his mother managed to buy this house and so now it's in Jungkook's name. He carried her again and slowly put her on the couch. He then rushed to the bedroom and started to clean everything as soon as possible.

He cleaned the bathroom too and after 20 minutes he came to the hall only to see Aerin at the same position he left. He sighed as he picked her up again and got her to the bathroom.

"Can i remove your clothes Aerin-ah, I'll make sure to not see anything" he says carefully after making her sit on a stool. She nods negatively as he understood that may be she is insecure about her body after the incident that happened just now.

"Alright I'll wait outside, bath yourself and come soon. If you want anything I'll be there just here okay?" He says and rubs her cheeks. She didn't answer him but he knows she heard him. He gets up from the squat position after arranging a pair of his long shirt and shorts for her to wear. He closed the door but did not locked it.

As soon as he closed it, he got a call from Yoongi. Yoongi have called him like 20 times already but he didn't pick up as he was busy with the incident. He sighs and picks up, debating to himself what to say to her brother.

"Yah! How many times should i call you? What happened to Aerin? Is she alright- Jungkook talk..YAH! you are scaring me"

"Hyung" he wanted to be strong but he just couldn't do anything. He finally bursted out like a child making Yoongi more afraid.

"Oh god! Where are you?"

"A-at our old house hyung"

"Alright I'll be there-"

"Hyung no! Please..she is alright now.. I'm with her. It's just.. I'll take care hyung. She is not in the state to see anyone. After two to three days come and see her.. I'll make sure to take care of her"

"Are you sure?" yoongi asks his voice cracking up.

"Yes hyung- I'll hung up now-"

"Wait" Jungkook heard a pause which was heavy for both of them. The two important men of her life suffered for her more than anything. "Even though she is my sister, i have always seen her in my daughter's place. I have never left her alone and this is the first time I'm doing it only because i believe in you. Just take care of her and don't disappoint me" yoongi says as he leaves a lone tear.

"I promise" Jungkook whispered and soon hung the call not able to take it anymore.

Soon Aerin came out of the bathroom looking so lifeless. He made her sit on the bed and started to dry her hair. He then made her some hot coffee after rushing to the near by stores and buy some essentials.

She felt somewhat relaxed than before. She was not shivering anymore but still looked frightened.

He made her bed and asked her to lie down. Her eyes finally fell on Jungkook who looked afraid looking at those tired eyes. She caught his hand and pushed him towards her. "I want to sleep in your arms" she whispers and Jungkook immediately went inside the duvet. He made her head lie on his arm as he hugged her so close. She sighed peacefully finally inhaling Jungkook's scent.

"H-he touched me"

"Baby look, i trust you. You don't need to say anything. You don't have to do this-"

"But i want to, i want to Jungkook" she says and leaves a tear which Jungkook didn't wipe this time as he let her cry and say the incident.


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