31. Falling

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Megan heard someone above her scream, but she couldn't concern herself with that now – she was too busy trying to figure out what to do. Of course, she knew the answer: nothing.

She flailed her arms wildly as if somehow that would help, but in her heart she knew all she could really do was brace herself for the impact. At least there was some kind of bush beneath her; she hoped that would help keep her from breaking every bone in her body, but she wasn't holding her breath.

She was maybe a foot away from the plant when she suddenly stopped falling. It was only for a split second, but she hung in midair, floating. She breathed a sigh of relief – she wasn't going to die after all. Then, almost as soon as she finished the thought, she found herself crashing to the ground.

The bush was kind of spindly, and not nearly as great at protecting her fall as she'd hoped. Still, she hadn't broken any bones, which was more than she really should have been able to say. She started climbing her way out, twigs jabbing at her every time she moved. Just as she was really starting to get tired of being attacked by sticks, a hand reached out in front of her. She took it and let whoever it was help her climb back onto solid ground.

"Thanks." she said when she was finally free of that stupid bush. Why couldn't it have been a little leafier, less branchy? Like a giant fern, maybe. At least she wasn't actually hurt like she should have been.

How had she even managed that anyway? Did she really stop falling for a second there? Surely not. She'd just about convinced herself that she'd imagined the whole thing when she finally looked up at whoever had pulled her to her feet. Jake was standing there, a kind of worried expression on his face.

Well, that figures, Megan thought. She really should have known he'd be the one to save her – who else could have stopped her falling like that? Still, she'd never been so glad to see anyone before in her life.

"Are you ok?" someone yelled from the balcony, and Megan looked up. Stacey was learning over the railing, looking like she might be close on Megan's heels if she wasn't careful. Tara was right behind her.

"I'm fine." Megan called up to them.

"Don't worry about her." Jake told them. "I got it."

"We'll be right down." Tara said. "Don't go anywhere."

"Ok." Megan nodded. Then turning back to Jake, she said, "They won't be here anytime soon."

"I know." he told her. Then added, "I saw you fall."

"Yeah...thanks for saving me."

"Only here to help." he said automatically. When he realized what he'd said, he looked a little sheepish. "Sorry – habit." he muttered.

"I mean, I know you only did it 'cause you had to." she told him – she wasn't an idiot. "But still, thanks."

"What?" It looked like she actually caught him off guard.

"I mean, that's right, isn't it?" she asked. Something in the back of her mind told her to shut up, that this wasn't the right time for her to be questioning him like this. But she just couldn't help herself.

"Well, no." he said. He looked like it wasn't something he wanted to admit.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I didn't have to do anything." he said slowly. "I can't actively try to hurt you, but that doesn't mean I have to help you either."

"But, I haven't used up all my wishes yet." she told him, her mind refusing to understand what he was getting at.

"I know." was all he said.

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