22. Track Tryouts

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The bell rang, and Megan slowly got out of her seat. This was it – her big day. In just half an hour, track tryouts would start. Megan tried not to be nervous, but she couldn't help it. She just hoped this went a lot better than her drama club debut.

Of course, Jake caught up with her at the lockers.

"Bus to your house again?" he asked, falling into step beside her.

"Not today." she told him. Ben was going to pick her up on his way home from school.

"Really? Why not?"

"I have plans today." she shrugged, hoping he'd take the hint and leave.

"You ready?" Karen asked, coming up behind them.

"Yeah, I think so." Megan said.

"Ready for what?" Jake asked. Megan silently wished he'd just go away.

"Track tryouts." Karen told him.

"Running?" Jake asked Megan, grinning.

"Yeah, why?" She narrowed her eyes. He had that look on his face that told Megan whatever he was going to say would be good.

"Reminds me of when we first met." he grinned wickedly.

Megan's jaw fell open – he did not just say that! See, this was why she hadn't wanted to tell him! As Megan struggled for something to say that wasn't "I'm going to kill you", Karen looked at him closely for a minute.

"You're that new kid, aren't you? We saw you at the arcade that one time – Jake, right?" she asked.

"I am." he grinned.

As Karen grinned back, Megan caught herself trying to keep from scowling. Since when did Karen ever talk to Jake? They only had one class together, and she hadn't actually talked to him yet. And if she had, Megan would have put a stop to that! She couldn't afford for him to start sabotaging her fake friendships.

"Actually, you're in our English class too, aren't you?" Karen asked him, as if picking up on Megan's thoughts.

"You want to get going?" Megan asked, before Jake had time to respond.

Megan had already seen that look in Karen's eye. And the last thing she needed was for any of her friends to start developing a crush on her genie. Besides, didn't Karen already have her own boyfriend?

"Uh, sure." Karen said slowly. But Megan could tell she really wanted to wait around a little longer.

"Can I come with you?" Jake asked brightly. Apparently he'd noticed Karen's look too.

Megan opened her mouth to say maybe next time, but she never got the chance.

"Sure!" Karen practically gushed.

"Great." Jake said, giving Karen his most charming smile. Since when did he ever look like that? Megan only ever seemed to see his surly, sarcastic side. He eyed Megan, and she could tell he was waiting to see if she'd go along with this. It suddenly occurred to her that if she said no, he probably would have to leave.

"I guess." she mumbled finally.

She didn't really want him to be there, but she couldn't figure out a way to uninvite him that wouldn't make Karen suspicious – or at least seriously disappointed. Not to mention the fact that it would make Megan look like a jerk for no reason – what was she supposed to say? That she didn't want her genie to watch her possibly trip over her own feet? So, the three of them walked out to the field behind the school together.

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