14. Just a Test

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When the bell finally rang, Megan walked briskly through the door, brushing past Jake as she went; she didn't even glance his direction. She tried not to let it bother her that he was actually here, but she was starting to wonder if this was such a good idea after all. Maybe giving him the opportunity to meet her friends was a little more risky than she'd first thought. She knew in her heart he probably couldn't turn them against her; that would be him destroying her wish, and he probably couldn't actually do that. But she still had her doubts. She just wished she knew what he was really up to.

There were two lunch periods at school, but Megan had known without a doubt that he'd have the same one as her. So far, he'd been in every single one of her classes, and she didn't see why that would change now. She wanted to march over there and ask him what he thought he was doing, but she couldn't. She didn't want to risk looking like some bully who was just picking on the new kid for no reason. Instead, she decided to just keep an eye on him. A very close eye.

Megan had been pretty sure that Jake would be eating alone. After all, it wasn't like he knew anyone here except her. As she sat there staring, she couldn't help but feel just the tiniest bit sorry for him. She wondered vaguely if maybe she should let him sit with her and her friends. She knew all too well that there was nothing more humiliating than having to eat by yourself in a crowded cafeteria.

It took about two minutes before someone sat down next to Jake. Megan's eyes widened as she recognized Greg. Why would Greg be sitting next to Jake? Sure, they'd ended up being partners in Spanish for those stupid dialogues but so what?

Megan thought back to Spanish last period, getting mad all over again. Of course, Jake didn't seem to have any problems in the class. Megan had kind of been hoping he would, especially when Mr. Clarinval asked those questions, but he didn't. Megan listened as Mr. Clarinval asked Jake where he was from, something about his family, and about four other questions that Megan couldn't even figure out. And each time, that stupid genie answered perfectly, using words Megan hadn't even heard of! How was that possible? It's not like he'd ever been in school to learn it before. Probably just magicked his way into knowing it, she thought darkly as she continued to stare him down.

And of course Greg had taken one look at Jake after that and figured he'd picked a great choice for partners today; after that little display, of course they'd end up eating lunch together. A few minutes later, Kurt joined Greg and Jake. Then Mike.

Megan tried not to glare at them from across the room. But even if she did end up staring a little, she knew it was more than justified. This whole thing just seemed so contrived; how else would Jake really have made friends so fast? And with Greg of all people? Still, Megan didn't say a word. After all, it wasn't the guys' fault – they were just hanging out with some new kid as far as they knew.

"Megan, are you ok?" Stacey asked.

"Sorry, what?" Megan asked, bringing her attention quickly back to her own table. Everyone was staring expectantly at her, so she tried her best to focus.

"You looked a little mad there." Stacey told her.

"No, I'm fine." Megan lied. "I was just thinking about what homework I had."

"You think Mrs. Boyd'll be checking this week?" Karen asked, obviously buying it.

"Who knows?" Megan shrugged. She found herself wondering if Jake would take hours to do the homework too.

"I think I'm going to skip those questions tonight." Tara announced. "I'm not going to have time to do that and study for Ms. Harle's test."

"I haven't even read the last three chapters yet." Karen sighed, looking depressed.

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