1) 13 Months Prior

Start from the beginning

"I never said it would be easy. Let's just say I know the positives far outweigh the negatives."

"Somehow that doesn't sound as promising as you think."

You gave her a bit of a silent yet unsure stare.

If they know what I've done since then, she might want to rethink her statement.

"The least we can do is show them what you got. But I think your interest was piqued enough at the prospect of working with an elite task force", she said as she crossed her arms comfortably, "Or am I wrong in assuming that? After all you do seem to be a bit of an...adrenaline junkie. For lack of better term."

You could hear the tisk in her voice, shunning your easy disregard for your own safety. She disapproved of your lifestyle but clearly didn't want to say anything of it. 

It amused you. This had been the way you'd lived for the last 4 years. You didn't hold much value to your own life and you realised it sounded sad but it was the way you had survived so far. 

They always said 'fear keeps you alive', but to you, it held you down. You chased highs, pushed your limits. You danced with death, waiting to see how long you could escape it unharmed. To say 'fair game' once it's lifeless tendrils finally caught up to you.

"I think anyone who fully lives our kind of life has a prominent death wish, with all due respect", you responded absent-mindedly as you peered out the window, "I don't believe you survive in this line of work if you can't at least look death in the eye and see an equal. Our hands ain't exactly clean."

"Spoken like a true realist, Evergreen. You're quite philosophical."

"I'm afraid I'm not nearly as sophisticated as you make me out to be."

"Be that as it may, your record speaks for itself. You're more than a mindless killing machine. Daredevil or not, you're calculated, smart. That part is quite fleshed out on paper you know. As is your history. You were rather difficult to track down."

You didn't take compliments particularly well, but you appreciated the praise coming from someone who clearly knew what they were doing.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you find me exactly? I didn't necessarily wanna be found by you guys again. No offence."

"None taken. It's understandable considering what you've been through. As for tracking you down, let me keep some of my trade secrets, sergeant", she mused as she shot you a calculated glance, "The CIA has it ways. Though you keeping your callsign was a big dead giveaway. I assume sentimental."

Her voice was clearly laced with amusement at the end as she kept her face neutral, but her eyes were betraying her humoured attitude. Your cheeks reddened in response. She made you look like an idiot.

I guess she gets to call me sergeant but ma'am is off limits to me? Cheeky.

You never gave up on your callsign, it was the only thing you had kept from your past that you kept pride in, beside your skills. You should have guessed that sooner or later, someone would start putting one and two together.

"Fair enough. Rookie mistake on my end", you answered back a little sheepishly.

"No time to be embarrassed, Sergeant Wraith. We're landing in T-minus 5", she said as she reached for the mic on her headphones, switching the channel from you alone to the general one. "Nikolai, contact base. Let them know we're inbound."

The pilot responded, initiating landing protocol.

"Copy Las. Will let them know we touch ground soon."

A Living Shield (John Price x OC/Reader slowburn)Where stories live. Discover now