6.- Two worlds, same will

Start from the beginning

They believed in her, and in return, she was only going to disappoint them by losing, to conceal her identity.

Due to her carelessness, a pair of Mei's threads took her by surprise, wrapping around her torso until she was almost breathless.

"Stop playing with me! Some of us actually put in effort!"

Then came the explosion. A smoke cloud formed around her, preventing others from seeing what was happening inside. Unlike the breath-holding spectators, Sakura remained still; the slight burns on her skin were nothing more than a tingling sensation for her. Her mind was focused on Mei's words, which echoed in her head.

Class A trained relentlessly day after day to become heroes, and here was Sakura belittling not only Class A's achievements but also those of Class B and all those who hadn't even made it into the Hero Class.

Again, from within the smoke cloud, a new web appeared and grabbed her from the back, pulling her out towards the ring's boundaries.

In her mind, the faces of her precious friends appeared: Ino, Kakashi, Yamato, Temari, Gaara, Hinata, Shizune, Shikamaru, Tsunade, Sai, Sasuke, and finally, a smiling and determined Naruto. If they were here, they wouldn't be afraid to show who they were; they couldn't pretend because they knew what hard work was, just like her.

"How foolish," Sakura whispered.

A few meters from the ring's boundaries, with the crowd confused, her classmates cheering for her, Present Mic shouting at the top of his lungs, and Mei smiling at her victory, Sakura suddenly planted her feet on the ground, abruptly stopping Mei's movement.

"Oh, Haruno stopped suddenly! What will happen now?" said Present Mic, getting up from his seat expectantly.

Mei tried to pull her again with all her strength, but she couldn't move her an inch. Instead, everyone saw Sakura start to move her arms back and forth.

"Hah! Don't be so sure; my fabric is as strong as steel," Mei said, panting like everyone else, until Sakura suddenly stretched her arms so forcefully that she broke the fabric.

"This is nothing," Sakura said, very self-assured.

She took the thread that was on the ground and pulled it taut; a surprised Mei instinctively pulled the thread.

"You won't win today, SHANAROO!" Sakura pulled the thread forcefully, sending Mei flying towards her and delivering a direct punch to her face that sent her straight into the ring's wall."

Ignoring the gazes of everyone present in the stands, Sakura placed her hands on the slightly burned arms from the explosions and healed them in front of everyone.

The entire Class A turned towards Todoroki and Sakura with a single thought in mind.

"Haruno Sakura has two Quirks!" Present Mic exclaimed as the spectators erupted in excitement at this turn of events.

"That's super strength and healing," Momo said in surprise.

"She can easily take first place," Kaminari added.

Todoroki frowned, and Bakugo clenched his fist tightly. Although Midoriya should have been nervous about this, when Sakura's gaze met his, he couldn't help but smile so much it looked like his mouth would split in two. She returned the smile, and he felt even better. Sakura was being herself, and this attention would go down in history in no time.

"Wow, that was amazing! No wonder Haruno Sakura is All Might's recommendation," Present Mic exclaimed with excitement.

Sakura, Midoriya, and All Might were frozen the moment these words came out of Present Mic's mouth, who was being hit on the back of the head by Eraser Head at that moment.

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