Chapter XV

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118ac. KingsLanding

Visaera's eyes look around the room waiting and thinking Rhaenyra was lying face down next to her. Visaera's fingers had been lightly tracing her bare back something that relaxed the girl.

Visaera's eyes shift to the open window and sees that it's time for her to get up so she slowly gets out of bed. She is careful not to disturb the girl when she gets out of bed and when she's changing.

She slips into dark clothes and a hooded cape and walks out of the room to find her warriors. She had sent a letter to three men that she thought would be good for the job and waiting for them in the courtyard.

She sees them in the shadows walks over and whispers "The man will be in the Kingsguard barracks he will be the only one there"

"Can I ask what we are going to do to him?"

Visaera looks at the man annoyed he should be doing it no questions asked "Did I pick the wrong man for this job?"

The man gulps slightly before shaking his head "No princess"

Visaera nods and walks through the courtyard to the Kingsguars barracks watching out for anyone. They get inside and walk around until they find him laid down and sleeping "Cover his mouth first, then tie him to the bed"

Visaera's voice comes out in a mere whisper but the men hear her and quickly move over to the bed. They grab him and Criston is quick to start struggling under their grip making the princess struggle.

The men managed to tie his mouth hands and legs keeping him secure and in place for what she had planned. She walks forward Criston looked truly terrified, sweating and shaking the sight was perfected in Visaera's eyes.

She pulls back her hood and Criston's eyes widen "Hello Ser Criston, I'm sure that after yesterday you thought you would be fine but my vengeance will be in honour of my husband"

Visaera pulls out her dagger and places it in the fire that was going before turning back to the man "For what you have done I shall make you nothing again"

She pulls out her sword and she wants to make it slow and painful but the punishment given would destroy him enough. She holds up her sword and places it next to his sword hand and brings it up in the air.

Criston was hyperventilating as he was watching the princess but Visaera didn't care she never cared for him. The sword slices through the air and the limb drops to the floor.

Criston's screams were muffled completely and Visaera thought about taking the other hand "Grab the dagger"

The man quickly walks over and grabs the dagger making sure not to burn himself and then passes it to the princess. Visaera brings the dagger to Criston's wound and burns it so he doesn't bleed out.

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