Chapter V

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113ac.Kings Landing

Visaera looks down at Rhaenyra the girl and woman had become even closer and Visaera was sure that it was because Rhaenyra read her letters. Visaera reads the book of Aegon's Visenyas and Rhaenys conquest to her under the weirwood tree.

The younger girl plays with the grass inbwteewn her fingers as she listens, Rhaenyra looks up at Visaera. Visaera now looks back at the book, Rhaenyra takes the time to admire her without Visaera's snarky comments.

She watches as her Green and Purple eyes trace the lines of the paper Visaera was almost Ethereal to Rhaenyra. Her beautiful laugh and funny comments made Rhaenyra's stomach turn in a pleasant way.

Her jaw was sharp and her lips were plump, to Rhaenyra and most of the realm she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Rhaenyra knew it was stupid but when read those letters she knew that it brought all her feelings that she had for Visaera back.

But what she didn't know is if those feelings were reciprocated Visaera was difficult she was hard to read with Rhaenyra but she shared affection towards a lot of people. Even though Rhaenyra knew that she didn't mind but she did mind that she couldn't have her as well Visaera saw her as a child and that's what also annoyed her.

Visaera was smart and outgoing she was even cruel at some points when it is needed Rhaenyra also didn't mind that. Rhaenyra liked to think that the fire she and Visaera had was bonded as one and burned beautifully.

Visaera looks down at the girl with a smile but ignores her staring "What will you do for your name day?"

Visaera shrugs and closes the book it's not like Rhaenyra was listening "This is perfect, everything is hectic at the moment it's nice to relax"

"Yes, it is..." Rhaenyra continue to look at Visaera and she didn't mind "...Do you ever think of running away"

Visaera smiles and lays the book beside her she takes a strand of Rhaenyras silver locks "When I was younger, yes but now no, why? Are you thinking of running away?"

"It depends if you will come with me"

Visaera tucks the strand of hair behind her ear she lets her hand stay on Rhaenyra's cheek "When you are older, we will go to Dragonstone and we shall spend every waking minute with each other, that's if you will host me"

"You know I would... why not now?"

Visaera knew the real answer to that question which was simple as she isn't old enough for Visaera. When Rhaenyra was a woman she might just go with her to Dragonstone.

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