Strip for me baby.

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(Stiles POV)

"Yeah I'm here for the job interview." I said the bouncer right outside the club. "How old are you?" He asked still giving me a scowl. "I'm 18. i plan on doing either stripping or waiting." I explained. "Okay. Go on In and take a left then go up stairs to the room with all the windows." He grumbled. "Ok thanks man." I said before walk past him and into the club. It was 6:30 PM so they had the music on low and we're pretty much just setting up. I guess the bouncer was only there to usher in the new applicants. I took and left and start walking up the stairs. I knocked on the door and I heard a deep, husky voice with a Italian accent coated in. The best way I can reference it is Oswald cobblepot from Arkham knight. "it's unlocked!" He shouted. I opened it up and stepped in. "Who are you?" He asked with a unlit cigarette in his mouth. "Im Mieczyslaw Stilinski. I'm here for the interview to be a stripper or a waiter." I replied. "Shut the door. You weren't born in a damn barn we're you?" He asked in a snarl. "Oh sorry." I replied and shut the door. "Come sit." He ordered. I sat down across from his desk on a comfortable red chair. "Here's my resume." I said and handed it to him. He read through. "Your currently in collage for forensics science and criminal justice. What are you hoping to get out of that?" He asked still reading. "I'm hoping to eventually become a FBI agent." I answered. "Why?" He enquired. "I wanna solve crime and help people." I said kinda chuckling at my own answer. "So what's made you fall so far from Grace?" He asked looking up at me. "Me and my.... Boyfriend, are saving up money to leave beacon hills." I said. "Ah, a lot of people your age come in looking to leave. How many do you think actually do?" He asked finally lighting the cigarette that'd been hanging from his dry lips. "Probably not a lot. But it's worth a shot right? Plus I can't live at home anymore." I say. "Mommy and Daddy find out you like cock and kick you out?" He inquired quite unsympathetically. "No. It was for a different reason..." I mumbled. "Mmh. You work at the weird gas station for truckers outside of town?" He asked looking at me. "Yeah. I've never been written up, never been fired im a good employee." I said. "Well. I'll de-" he was cut off by a twunkish man around my age bursting in. "IM DONE! IM FUCKING DONE! IM TIRED OF THIS FUCKING JOB! IM QUITING!" He screamed before throwing a thong at me. "GOOD LUCK BUDDY!" He shouted and then left. I turned to the hiring guy. "Uhm.... Your hired. I'm mr.Esposito. Go grab a locker and throw his thong away." He says. "I-I. Thank you Mr.Esposito..." I leave his office and go to the locker room. There's a few other people who'd I later learn are Ezra they/them, lance he/him, asher ze/zem, Tyler he/him. There were other people who worked there but they were the first ones I met and the only ones I really talked to. "Oooooh. New boy." Tyler chuckled. "He's cute! He'll be good to replace Alex." Ezra said sigh a smile "what's your name pretty boy?" Tyler asked. "I'm stiles. Nice to meet y'all." I chuckle and walk to the locker that says Alex. "Nice ass dude! They'll love it!" Lance chuckled. "Would y'all shut the fuck up. He's trying to get settled not harassed!" Asher spat. "Sorry ash. Forgot we couldn't have a laugh." Ezra groaned. "Oh fuck off. Your whined when they did it too you." Asher said with a confident smirk. "not in front of the new guy!" Ezra whined. Lance rolled his eyes and looked at me. "I'm lance, thats Tyler, thats Asher and Ezra. We'll help you learn the ropes. Well Ezra might whine over ash the whole time but the rest of us we'll help you dude." Lance explained. "Thanks. I've never done anything like this before so it's definitely something." I mumbled. "We get that. But you get used to it. Plus the cash makes it worth it." Tyler chuckled. "You say that but not all of us get tipped out are cocks" lance grumbled. "Lance you have a flat ass I don't know what else you expect." Asher spat. "All of you shut the fuck up! I wanna hear why new boys here!" Ezra shouted before looking at me expectingly. "Uhm. Well me and my "boyfriend" are planning on leaving beacon hills so we're both trying to get money together." I explain. "Oooh runaway." Tyler cooed. "Good, beacon hills is a fucking hell hole." Asher groaned.

9:45 PM

People were starting to Pile in. I was in black shorts and a mesh top. I felt exposed and also like my nuts were suffocating but money is all that matters now. I walk over to Asher "what am I supposed to do?" I ask. "Nice outfit new boy. Well you can walk around and talk and try to make some money or you can go up on stage and shake your ass." Asher explained. "Thanks. I'll do the first one." I say. "Good luck new boy. Don't go to the 2nd row cause wades marked that as his. And don't take the corner over there, it's a bunch of old queens and they pay well so I've taken them." Ze says. "Good to know. Thank you." I say before walking to the 1st row and stand there. Wtf do I say? Do I just start humping or do I start off with a hey/hello? How forward am I meant to be? What happens if they yell at me? "Nice ass mesh boy." A gravely voice called out. I turned to a older man in a messy suit and his tie on the table. "Me?" I asked trying to be quiet but still making sure he heard me over the music. "Yes. What's your name?" He answered with a smirk. I walk over to him. "I'm stiles... do you want something? I mean like a lap
Dance, i don't mean in like a "do you need something?!" Mean way like when you want someone off your back. Cause I don't want you off my back- but I'm not like obsessing over you or anything it's my job to like give your lap dances and make you feel good, but I don't see you only as a Wallet!" I very much over talked but he just chuckled. "I'll give you a 20 for a lap dance." He said. I took a deep breath and slowly got on his lap both legs on either side of the chair but my ass pushed against his crotch. I slowly start to grind end hump him. I put my hand on his neck and make sure to touch his shoulders and rub against his bulge. I flip over so I was facing away from him and rub my ass again his clothed cock. I could hear him groan and pant under his breath, I hoped that meant I was doing a good job. I turn to him and drop to my knees In front of him, put my hands on his thighs and rub my chest against him. "Jesus Christ stiles... how long have you been a stripper?" The man asked in a slight chuckle. "A few hours? Why? Am I doing bad? Am I touching you to much? Or to little?" I asked panicked "no newbie! Your doing fucking good. Especially for a new boy. Keep rubbing on my cock." He chuckled. "Oh ok." I answer quickly and go back to rubbing my ass his bludge like I did at first. But after a few minutes I stood up and stepped onto the sides of his chair. I grabbed the back of his hair and start to slowly thrust my hips towards him. Not touching him but keeping him close. After a about a minute I hopped off and smiled at him. "Did I do good?" I asked in a tone you'd only find in a child who just helped there mother cook and is looking for reassurance they actually helped. He tucked two twentys into my shorts and smiled. "You we're a very good boy newbie." He said with a wink then looked back at the stage. I feel my face flush and I walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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