Morning routine

138 3 5

3:30 AM

I was getting ready for work, I'd taken my shower, brushed my teeth, taken my meds, and put on deodorant. I put on a towel around my waist so if Dad was up he didn't have to see my shlong. I walked to my room and shut the door. the second I tried to take off my shirt I felt eyes on me again, which had just become normal for me if I'm being honest. I tried to ignore it the best I could. I put on a black long-sleeve shirt and a Spiderman shirt over it and blue jeans. I grabbed his phone and wallet and shoved them into my jeans. I looked out the window but didn't see a note. Let me explain the whole note thing. For the past few months, I'd been stalked by someone, I hadn't figured out who yet but whoever it was was severely demented and kept leaving me notes, mostly just declarations of love or lists of to-dos. Anyway. I walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge to look for stuff to make my dad for his lunch but I found a sticky note, It read "Don't worry handsome, I made you and your dad breakfast and lunch. <3". At first, I was relieved that I didn't have to cook. That was until I realized this meant he'd been inside my house. I started to panic. Did he go into my room? Did he see me? How long was he here for? Is he still here? My heart raced. I ran upstairs to my dad's room only to find it empty. My hand was shaky but I reached for my phone and pulled it out. I saw a text from an hour before "Hey Stiles there was emergency paperwork I had to do. So when you get out of the shower ill be gone. Love you. Also thank you for the pasta for lunch. I didn't even know we had any leftover." I pushed my phone into my pocket and sighed. I knew it could be from someone else using his phone to play off his murder but I also knew only my father typed in all caps. But to be safe I did check Life 360 and it said he was at the station. So I walked back down,  grabbed my lunch, Turned off the downstairs lights, locked the door behind me, and got into my keep which is where I found the note of the day. "Hey, my baby boy. I'm writing this In kind of a hurry so please forgive me if it's not as good as the others. I watched you get dressed, did you do it slowly for me? I liked the little show. I wish you bent over more like that. Have a good day at work! Don't let that jackass of a boss get under your skin, he's just insecure about the fact that your more attractive than he ever was. I plan on stopping by for a drink and maybe something to eat. I love you so much, my love." Was written in unusually bad handwriting but it made sense. I'd already concluded that this person was a male. And a male who was probably a little older than me, judging by his grammar, and schedule. Probably a man who had only been with women as he only mentioned ex-girlfriends and women, not ex-boyfriends and men. He was probably fast judging by how he could be somewhere one minute and nowhere to be seen the next. He was also probably strong. Seeing as he carried me up the stairs calmly and carefully to my room when I passed out in the living room.  The note said that he would stop by for a drink and a bite, maybe he could identify him? I couldn't just ask every older male customer who walked in if he was a stalker, so I'd have to be sneaky. I'm a great detective. I threw the note into the center console and pulled out of the driveway. J started on the drive to work.


I walked into the store, and almost instantly started being bombarded by the manager yelling at me for being late "ITS LIKE YOU DON'T EVEN WANT THIS JOB!" My manager reamed. I hate being yelled at. I scrunched down a little. Trying to make myself as unthreatening as possible. "it was only a minute..." I mentioned and the manager screamed in my face. "SHUT UP!! SHUT. UP. GET TO WORK!!" He shouted and I ran into the back room mumbling a "yes sir". When I got to my Locker to put away my things my phone chimed. I looked down and it was from an unknown number.

Marcussmith55: Attachment: picture

It was a picture of my boss walking out of the shop

Marcussmith55: is he giving you shit again?! Do you want me to kill him?! I can't believe him, Yelling at precious little boy like you, it's fucking evil!

Letmebreakyourback420: no! Do not kill him
Who are you?! Please stop! I'm scared.

Marcussmith55: why are you scared?! My baby don't be! I'm not gonna stop, you don't understand handsome! You're so perfect I'm never gonna stop! I won't kill him if you don't want me to, but I will at your command. I love you so much, but I gotta get back to work.

I  put my phone in the locker. "Marcussmith55" fake. No posts. one of those stupid plane wing profile pics. I put the rest of my stuff in the locker and closed it "Calm down. Do your job." I mumbled to myself before walking out, a young woman was standing in front of the cash register. I walked into the counter area and smiled "Hi! What can I get you?" I asked in a sweet voice "Hi. Can I get a menthol white?" she murmured "Can I see some ID please?" I asked and she handed me her ID. It read "1982 04, 10" on her drivers' license. "of course you can, that'll be 5.99," I said, handing her driver's license back. She smiled to herself.  "ok... give me a minute please..." I muttered before going to look through their wide supply of cigarettes. "not gonna lie... this place is fucking creepy." She whispered and I chuckled "Yeah... my boss says I'm just being a wimp but this place at night is pretty scary." I said and she chuckled "beacon hills is just creepy as fuck at night." She replied.  "yeah.". I finally found the right one and handed it to her, she swiped her card and said "thanks" and left before an old guy came in. He walked around extremely pissed off and confused "Hi! Can I help you with something?" I asked and the man sighed "I'm getting breakfast for me and my kid, you got anything breakfasty?" The man asked and I looked at the map of the store "well we got a bunch of food in aisle three!" The old guy sighed "what about coffee?" I smiled at him "in the corner." I said and the man gave me a "you're dumb" Look. "no fucking shit! But all there is, are fucking faggoty coffees!" he reamed and my eyes probably visibly widen "sir you can leave if you're going to use that offensive language, I will fucking kick your ass. There is black coffee you just gotta put that order into the Machine." I said and the man groaned but shut his mouth. Eventually, the man got a coffee and some food. I rang it up. "okay... 12.99."  The man rolled his eyes about to argue when we heard the door chime open and footsteps walk closer to us before stopping behind the older man "Hold on I'll be right with you." I rang "that's okay I can wait." Derek hale mumbled "oh uh alright..." I said surprised to see him. The old guy threw his money, change, and all at me "FUCK YOU FRUITCAKE!" He growled before running out "Thank you, come again!" I called. "that guy a dick." Derek said and I chucked "Yep." I mumbled and Derek walked away to look through the food "so how's work been?" Derek asked and I shrugged "same shit different day. My boss yelled at me again. Had to wake up at the butt crack of dawn." I mumbled and Derek sighed "fuck your boss." Derek growled and I laughed out loud "naw he's ugly as fuck..." I said and Derek chuckled "inside and outside." Stiles added. Derek Brought a Twinkie and Dr Pepper "Breakfast of champions, huh?" I asked mean heartingly "suck my dick." Derek retorted. I rang him up "Well... I know I'm supposed to say have a good day, but I don't like you so... day." I chuckled and Derek smirked "Day to you too.." He mumbled before leaving.

In the end.  (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now