Getting ready

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I opened my eyes in a pitch-black room. The first thing I did was roll over to see my bed. It was empty apart from me. I grabbed my phone and turned it on. "3:22." I moved my hand to my lamp and switched it on. I was alone in my bedroom. I sat up a saw a note on my window. I walked over and grabbed it. "Good morning my love. Are you okay? I don't wanna dredge up last night but she was very rough with you, so. I made you some coffee downstairs with the painkillers next to it. I sat out your clothes, there very modest don't worry. At least the outside is. I made you and your dad breakfast and also some lunch for your dad. You should find some money in your wardrobe for lunch. It's about 40 bucks, just text me if you need more okay? I love you. So much. When you get home your orders will be out for you. Also don't forget about the pack meeting. You're breaking it off with that home-wreaking bitch alright? See you later my prince. Love you have a good day!❤️" the note was long but at least kind well sorta. I walked to my wardrobe and saw some cash and clothes. I picked up the clothes, it was a black and grey hoodie and blue jeans. I put on some boxers and tried to quickly put on all my clothes and I looked at my door, there was a sticky note "DONT FORGET TO BRUSH YOUR HAIR AND TEETH AND TAKE YOUR MEDS!"


I was standing at the cash register thinking about what to say to Lydia. It was gonna be difficult. I know it was just sex but I love her. I love her so much. I hate him. Forget what I said If I've ever said anything good about this guy. I hate him. I hate this guy. I hate his notes. I hate his temper. I hate him! I just want him to leave. I want him to die. The door dinged and I looked up. I saw Derek and I smiled "What up stranger?" I asked and he looked over at me in his same sour-wolf expression "Nothing..." he mumbled before walking around "Someone's grumpy..." I mumbled and he scoffed "fuck you, Stiles.". I smiled "How are you man?" I asked and he shrugged "Same shit different day. One of my Tendances has a kid which I have no problem with. However I do have a problem with a 1-year-old knocking on my door, TOTALLY UNATTENDED BY THE WAY, accusing me of being his daddy." He complained and I chuckled "Have you tried talking to them?" I questioned and he shook his head no "you should, bro. If you tell them that, it's very dangerous for the little shit." I explained and he laughed "Not a fan of kids I see?" He asked and I shrugged "No. I Love kids. I hate parents who refuse to raise them right. " I giggled. He walked up to the counter with a pack of beer, and some ramen "Breakfast of Champions, ain't it?" I whispered and he smirked "Shut up." He groaned and I laughed. I ringed his stuff up and handed it to him. "Day." I smiled at him and he smiled back "day asshole." He mumbled before sitting down with his money and leaving. When he left I blushed hard. I was a giggling mess. God that man gets me giddy. I smiled wide and tried to shake away that feeling.

5:30 PM

Our pack wasn't good at much. But we were good at training day. Yes, I would leave with bruises, cuts, soars, and something broken but god it was fun. I was sitting out for a second trying to catch my breath and watching Isaac and Malia fight. The two roughest wolves I know going ham. It was too gruesome to describe. I stood up going to get some water but Derek grabbed my wrist when I stood up "What are you doing?" He asked and I looked at him "Oh. I'm getting some water." I explained and he handed me a bottle of water "Sit boy. You just got your ass kicked." I sat down and opened it "Thank you... Why are you being nice?" I inquired after taking a swig "What? Is it that weird for me to take care of a friend?" He asked and I blushed. "Oh- uh- n-no! Of course not! I just... th-" I was cut off by Scott yelling "STILES! COME RUN WITH ME MAN!" I looked at him "OKAY. GIVE ME A SECOND, SORRY!" I turned back to Derek only to see him gone. I sighed and headed over to Scott "C'mon!" He shouted and took off. I ran to him and tried to keep pace. "Was Derek being nice to you?" Scott asked. "Yeah! Isn't it weird?" I asked. "Completely weird. I thought he hated you. Or was I in love with you? Or both" he said. "I wish." I chuckled. He laughed with me. "Maybe he's not all "Grr'm a big mean werewolf with no feelings. Aka sourwolf." I added. He laughed "I doubt it but it's funny to think about." He said.

In the end.  (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now