Chapter 4: Deep Recon

Start from the beginning

-Elemental mana

     -Water: dark blue

     -Earth: brown

     -Fire: red

     -Air: yellow

-Life: green

-Psionic: purple

-Light: white

-Dark: black

Chapter 4: Deep Recon

United States, June 21th 2053

Washington D.C., White House Briefing Room

President Olivia Bennett was being briefed on the events on the other side of the anomaly by General Thompson. The Vice President, various cabinet members, and the Director of the CIA, were also present.

It had been four days since the enemy's last attempt to retake the anomaly. In that time, it was confirmed that President Bennett's mother had been among the people abducted through the anomaly. Though her mother weighed heavily on her mind, President Bennett set those thoughts aside as General Thompson presented the latest information from the expeditionary force.

"Fortification of the other side of the anomaly is continuing as planned," he said. "Construction crews have already printed a command center, field hospital, and several barracks. Construction of an air field is scheduled to begin tomorrow." 3D printing technology has come a long way by 2053. The military often used it to quickly and cheaply construct forward operating bases.

The General continued to update the President on the status of the expedition. "Barbed wire and fences have been set up in a one kilometer radius around the anomaly, with further fortifications being set up around the primary forward operating base. The marines on site have dubbed the base 'Fort Roanoke'. Based on the enemy's attacks so far, and our continued fortification of the anomaly, I can confidently say that the threat of another attack on New York City is minimal."

"That's good to hear, General," said the President. She thought about the unofficial name of the base. "Fort Roanoke... Isn't that a bit foreboding, given the mystery surrounding the settlers of Roanoke Island?"

"I think so, Madam President, but evidently the marines in the field think it's an apt name for our first firebase on another planet."

"Very well then. Go ahead and make it official," said the President. If the troops on the ground thought it was appropriate, she wouldn't deny them.

"Moving onto more pressing matters," President Bennett began, "have the linguists been able to make any progress translating the enemy's language?"

"As a matter of fact, they have," replied Director Delano of the CIA. "As it turns out, translation is not necessary. We have discovered that, on the other side of the anomaly, the enemy is able to perfectly understand us, and us them, despite the language barrier on our side of the anomaly."

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Asked the President.

"For reasons beyond our understanding, everyone on the other side of the portal is able to perfectly understand each other, regardless of the language they speak. Even our marines are able to understand languages they've never heard before. The captured POWs claim it's due to an ancient 'magic spell' across their world, and at this point, we don't have any other explanation for this phenomenon."

"Magic? Really, Director?" Mocked Secretary of State Denning. "Do you honestly expect us to believe that?"

"Whether or not there really is magic on the other side of the anomaly, communication will apparently be much easier than we initially thought," proclaimed Director Delano. "Madam President, until we can confirm its existence and capabilities, this alleged 'magic' should be treated as a significant national security threat."

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