Roses are green pt. 1

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It has always seemed to Amy that there was something off about the Sonic universe, ever since she was reborn into it. The world felt too quiet for her, like an unnerving silence. Sunlight from the sun felt like it was shining too bright in a dreamcore like state. The wind, clouds, trees and sounds stopped as if the world stood still. What was even more weird for Amy was her friends. They were smiling, and not in a good way.

Their smiles were unsettling to look at to say the least. They don't even blink their eyes, just stare at her, and the way they talk is sickly nice. It is not long before Amy realizes that she is the only mobian lift who is normal. She begins to panic a bit, wondering what happened to this world. She remembers the Sonic fandom very well in her past life as a human woman, and she is sure none of this happens. It is known that dead animals are a thing in Sonic.EXE, but she was unsure if this was an EXE world or not.

She would have blamed it on Eggman, but it seems he had nothing to do with it. Unfortunately for Amy, Eggman was the only one beside herself who was normal. It's weird that she said normal, which is just horrible considering how mentally unstable he is on a daily basis. Truth be told, Amy was a little worried about the Doctor. Sonic, her friends as well as the Mobians seem to be very violent to Eggman for reasons that are unknown to her.

Attacking him every chance they get.
Of course, she couldn't help but wonder about this strange behavior from the Mobians themselves. Even tho, Amy could not understand her new world, she is very happy with her new life.
Many years passed with Amy going on adventures with her friends. She didn't have a crush or wasn't in love with Sonic like the original, even tho she is the same age as him.

Saw Cream the rabbit and Tails as younger siblings. Good friends with Knuckles and the other Sonic cast members. Amy was happy to call them friends and family. Along the way she discovered some things about her life, but one day she noticed something more strange about herself and the others. Both her, the Mobians, and Eggman seem to not age or die.

Finding out about the not dying part was an accident for Amy. She had been killed in one of Eggman's kidnapping attempts and found herself alive the next day like nothing had happened at her home. It was a very weird and frightening experience for her to deal with, not knowing who to talk to about it. Oddly enough, Eggman was the one to take up the job, and he felt sorry for killing her. However, she did not understand why Eggman appears not to be surprised at the fact that she is still alive.

A/n: Its not a ship!

From then on, Amy and the Doctor had a weird father and daughter relationship. Speaking of the Egg man, it seems he had sent one of his robots to talk to her again. Amy opened up her bedroom window, letting in the messenger bot. It was the only way Eggman could communicate with her without leaving his egg empire behind. The bot held up a TV as it turned on, showing Dr. Eggman looking tired.

A/n: Amy use sign language to speak.

Amy signed: Did you find anything? Do you know why they attacked you so much and not me?

Eggman: I was able to get a few answers. It seems they are infected with some kind of virus. The reason they are attacking me is that I'm human, and the virus does not work on me.

Amy signed: Wait, then how are you not aging?

Eggman: My dear, I am a genius and if I don't want to die. I f*cking don't.

Amy signed: OK.

Eggman: Now back to the topic at hand. For you, my dear Rose, you are in fact infected.

Amy signed: What!?

Eggman: Oh don't threat my dear. You're the safest person here. You may be infected, but you haven't turned. The virus inside you is keeping you safe from others. They see you as their own.

Amy signed: Well, that's a good thing for me, but not so much for you.

Eggman: Notice. Whatever it is in your bloodstream is keeping you from turning. If I can research your blood, maybe I can find a cure.

Amy: But what about me being alive again?

Eggman: That's my dear, I'm really not sure of. I have seen many of your kind die in multiple horrified ways, and yet they are able to come back from the worst of it.

Knock knock

Amy signed: Someone is here. I'll talk to you later next time.

Amy quickly pushes the robot out of her bedroom window and shuts it behind the egg bot. She goes to her front door and opens it, only to be greeted by Sonic the hedgehog himself smiling unnervingly at her. Amy didn't know what Sonic wanted when he had never visited her house before. She does know she has to be careful around him not to set him off. Out of everyone, Sonic is even more dangerous than the others. 

Anyone who doesn't match up with what he wants ends up killed by her own friends. Yeah, she saw them killing other Mobians before. Those mobians may have come back, but their deaths were horrible. She let him in against her better judgement of the situation.

Amy signed: Sonic, what's bringing you here?

Sonic turns to Amy with a wide, unblinking stare, smiling creepily. Amy gets chills whenever he stares at her like that. Just for a moment, she could see Sonic's teeth. They had become sharper. It was not right to her that none of this was. 

Sonic: Hello Amy, do you want to go with me and hunt down the Doctor?

Amy signed: Sonic, wait, let's not do that. How about we have a nice picnic together?

Neck crack sounds

Sonic's eyes flickered black and red for a second, to Amy's shock. She could hear static noises making her head hurt. She tried to hold her head, but Sonic grabbed a hold of her right arm, pulling her close to him. His teeth somehow got even sharper as she got closer to him. For the first time, Amy felt afraid of her hero.

Sonic: Oh, a picnic? I would love too, my Rose. After we kill the doctor.

Amy is surprised by the "my rose" part from Sonic. He never called her that before. But try again to get Sonic to leave Eggman alone for a bit.

Amy signed: We always try to kill the doctor. How about we take a break and....and spend some time together, just you and me?

Sonic: Together? Is that what you want, my lovely flower? To spend time with me.

She felt Sonic tighten his grip on her arm as she hissed in pain. The next thing Amy knew, Sonic was kissing her on the lips to her shock, but she soon felt so much pain in her chest where her heart would be. Sonic had shoved his hand into her chest, pulling out her heart. Before Amy died, she could see Sonic giving her a gentle smile, holding her heart close to his mouth and taking a bite out of it.

Sonic: I finally got your heart, my Rose.

Amy couldn't see Sonic the same way ever again after that. She had so many questions about what happened that day. Why did Sonic say those things to her? She thought Sonic didn't have any romantic feelings for Amy Rose. Why now? What has changed?

Amy didn't know how much she could take from all this, and not only that, she believed she might be losing her sanity. Seeing things that shouldn't be there like dead animals, blood everywhere, and the sky turning red. Even her own friends' appearance sometimes changes into Sonic.EXE forms. It got so bad to the point Amy stayed in her house for weeks on end.

Years passed as both Eggman and Amy tried to find out what happened to the world and find a cure for it. But they found out they couldn't change anything no matter how hard they tried. Soon enough, Amy had gotten used to the creepiness of her life. She had made a route for herself to follow to at least have a comfort zone. There are days when she doesn't follow the path and does things she has never gotten the chance to do before, despite getting herself killed in the process. She became very aware her friends knew she was not like them and forever reasons they didn't mind it.

Fandoms: Sonic, Reincarnation fandom, Happy tree friends, zombie, gacha life/club horror, Undertale fandom, Fgod undetale fandom, and Sonic.Exe fandom.

A/n: Sometimes I question the things I write and what be going on inside my head. I think its funny the madness of this plot is going somewhere after this. Sorry Amy don't get use to your life just yet . It is going be even harder real soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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