Chapter 21

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"Finally a day off," Minchan screams in excitement and turns back to look at us, grinning widely. 

We all don't answer even though I know we feel the same, a free day is really deserved after our never-ending passion. Today we decided to spend the time we have together and are currently heading to go ice-skating at a nice space in a park in Seoul, not situated in the center in the city, so we're hopeful that it won't be super crowded.

"Dude, calm down," I tell Minchan amusedly when he almost trips over some branch on the path that we have to follow to the ice rink, earning a not-so-convincing "Yeahhh.." in response.

The others of the group are talking in small groups, Gyehyeon quietly talking with Yeonho, a small smile on his face while Kangmin is being mocked by Yongseung, the two youngest of our group bickering playfully. The atmosphere is peaceful and I absorb every detail of the scene we're in to remember it as a beautiful memory. 

Thankfully luck is on our side as the ice rink is only occupied by a few people that are skating around happily, creating a welcome comfortableness with the way they are expressing that they're visibly having a lot of fun. 

Having paid for our the entrance and got ice skates in the right size for everyone, we settle at the side and put them on carefully. Minchan whose excitement is still huge, finishes first and immediately storms off with Kangmin- in the best way possible with the skates, so it rather looks like they will fall down at any second but surprisingly they are able to hold their balance quite well. 

"Dancing and building up good balance and body strength by it  was useful," I think chuckling a bit watching them reaching the ice rink while stumbling and soon observing the two racing on the ice, chasing each other. I'm amazed that they are so good at ice-skating, I've only went with them once and I can't recall if they were already that skilled back then but it's definitely impressing seeing it now. 

At the same time it also puts pressure on me, I realize. Because I suck at ice-skating. While the rest of us is slowly making their way to the ice rink, I begin to doubt why I agreed to coming here with them in the first place. 

"I'm looking forward to this," Dongheon announces when he stands on the ice and waits for us others to follow him. 

Being on the ice is even scarier. 

"Hey guys, don't leave me," I complain loudly when all my members start skating away, leaving me by the side helplessly grabbing the barrier that is limiting the ice rink. They suck! 

"I obviously can not ice-skate and they just went ahead without me," I innerly whine but having no other choice begin moving slightly, not leaving the barrier that limits the ice rink if I need to stable myself. 

After a while, I surprisingly feel like I can manage without needing to be next to the barrier, so I detach myself from it cautiously and make the first few movements, satisfied when it works. Contently I skate at low speed when I suddenly pass a part of the rink where the ice is rather scratched already, the difference between moving on ice in a good state and on this slightly damaged one taking me off guard. I lose balance and struggle, moving my arms hectically to somehow regain it but failing. 

Panicking as I fall, a hand puts itself on my back, giving me the stableness I needed and holding me in place. It takes me some brief seconds to realize I didn't hit the ice and I exhale relievedly while turning around to see Gyehyeon standing there with a calm expression, leaving his hand on my back as to make sure I don't happen to fall again. 

"Thank you," I say gratefully, still processing the shock and letting out a sigh. 

"No problem," he dryly tells me. 

"But be careful. You could hurt yourself if you drive around that recklessly," he adds and examines me as to see that I got his words. 

"Yesss," I answer, laughing as that came out weirdly. 

"I'll hold your arm so you won't trip," he then suggests and changes the positions of his hand. 

"Hey, I don't suck at this that much," I argue offendedly but when he lets go off my arm, I stumble, instantly reaching for his arm. 

We both laugh at this as my words were directly denied. Screw you, universe! 

"You can just hold on to me, okay?," he asks and I just nod, ashamed about the fact that I am so bad at this. 

Gyehyeon guides us very nicely though, he doesn't go super rapid, ensuring I can manage to skate next to him. 

"It's pretty enjoyable like that," I notice after we've turned some rounds. 

Of course one of the others had to tease me for needing help at some point. 

"Hoyoung-hyung, that's how you do it," Kangmin annoyingly shouts when he surpasses us two, skating very enthusiastically. 

"I don't remember asking," I yell back, making Gyehyeon chuckle silently next to me. 

Even though I didn't get to speed up later on as I hadn't become any better in the short time, I liked skating with Gyehyeon by my side.

 Maybe this sounds weird but it made me feel close to him. I felt connected. And that was a pleasant feeling. 

Him being there, next to me. 

Being with us. 

Being present. Not lost in thought, but living in the moment. Interacting with us like he used to. 

The situation being natural, feeling carefree for once. Forgetting about all the stress, the worries. 

I can't deny that they were at the back of my head. But they were not filling up the whole space of my brain, using all of my emotional energy. I missed it being like this. 

I'm back yass...thank you for reading this chapter! take care and have a good day/night! ^^

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