Chapter 7

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When I hear the door shut, I automatically look up fro the book I've read a moment ago. Though you can't really say 'read' because I couldn't concentrate at all. My mind wandered off to Gyehyeon all the time. I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the fact he was having an important talk with Mr. Hwang. 

For a moment I debate wether to directly go and ask him as he's back home. But I decide against it hearing some of my fellow members footsteps coming in my direction. 

Guess they were as worried as me and as eager to know how it went. 

Soon the room is filled and the others take place next to me and on the floor, waiting for Gyehyeon to enter. They all seem nervous, even a bit scared. Kangmin clings to my right arm, reaching for something to hold onto. 

"It's gonna be alright," I tell him trying to calm him down although I'm not sure myself. The anxiety is rising when I see the door connecting the living room, which is also our unofficial meeting room and the corridor, opening. 

Gyehyeon steps in, shortly scanning the room, not seeming surprised to spot all of us here. Then he walks in the direction of the kitchen, nodding at us as some kind of greeting. 

Scared he won't talk to us for the next hours, I ask him what everyone wants to have an answer to, 

"How was it?"

"Good," Gyehyeon answers briefly, not seeming to have the will to explain more. 

"So you will get therapy?," Minchan just bluntly questions, not intimidated by Gyehyeon's coldness. 

"Hmm, yeah," Gyehyeon retorts, leaving and starting to make sounds in the kitchen. Then there's silence left, the only thing audible is Gyehyeon rummaging and our breaths. 

"Ok, now leave him, we don't want to push him to anything," Dongheon tells us at the oldest. We all give our approval and some go back to their sleeping rooms, continuing what they were doing before. 

Dongheon stays for some time, after a while he stands up walking away to talk with our company. Probably about Gyehyeon, Dongheon has taken most of the responsibilities concerning him, like talking to our manager about it our in getting an appointment with Mr. Hwang. I really look up to him for that. It's understandable why he was chosen as our leader. 

For some minutes I continue on 'reading' my book (most of the time I was lost in thoughts again) but then I can't bare it anymore. 

I have to see Gyehyeon. 

Quietly I enter the kitchen, seeing Gyehyeon sitting at the huge table staring holes in the air. 

He looks lonely there. 

Even though we've always ironically joked how small the table was for 7 people, it looks huge with Gyeheon being next to it alone and a small glass with water on it. 

He blinks when I take the first steps in his direction, signaling me he's noticed someone's here, but he keeps ignoring me. 

Not that I mind. False. I do mind it. 

But as he's been in an absent and distant state these days, I got used to it. Though it still slightly hurts every time. 

Trying to look indifferent, I make my way to the cupboard and take a glass that I fill up with water. I put my hand under the water tap for a moment too, the cold liquid on my skin helping me to clear my mind. Then I drop down on the chair standing diagonally to Gyehyeon's and take a sip. 

Catiously I glance at him, hoping it's not too obvious. Mission failed, I would say because Gyehyeon turns his head to me and looks at me intensely, as if waiting for me to do anything. 

"What?," I let out, finding it hard to keep the eye contact. 

"Nothing. I thought you'd want to talk to me, ask me how I'm doing like everyone recently feels the need to", he means, sounding furious but as if he's holding himself back. 

"I didn't want to disturb you," I explain, not knowing where to direct my gaze. Awkwardly I scratch my neck. Gosh, when did we become like this? If you didn't know we're close, you'd think it would be one of our first encounters. 

"Disturb me. Hah..", Gyeheon says sounding irritated. 

"You do know I'm still Gyehyeon, I'm okay! You don't have to treat me as if I can't handle anything! I'm okay! I'm fine! Everything is alright!," he then shouts, his voice getting louder with every sentence. 

His hand is clenched around his glass and his jaw tightens. 

"Gyehyeon..,"these words slips out of me, not knowing what to say. 

"Can you..come and give me a hug?," Gyehyeon whispers weakly, not daring to turn at me while speaking those words.

"Hug him?," I repeat in my head in disbelief. 

There are some seconds that pass, me standing around dumbfounded, then I put my water down and nervously go to him, stopping next to his chair. 

Gyehyeon gets up from his chair, not facing me and suddenly in a rush wraps his arms around my shoulders, catching me off guard. 

A little overtaxed I put my hands on his back and stroke it in comfort. 

The hug is warm and cozy. It's also unfamiliar and awkward because I haven't hugged Gyehyeon very often as he's not one of the members that likes a lot of skin-ship. 

After a while, the others come in, maybe they heard Gyehyeon being loud before and wanted to see if everything is fine. 

When they get a glimpse of what is happening, they seem surprised but don't question it. Instead they all join the hug, showing their compassion. 

Our togetherness in this exact moment feels very consoling and encouraging. 

It feels like someone telling you everything will be okay. 

took me long enough to update °-° sorry that my updates aren't regular..

still, I hope you liked this chapter, thanks for reading! ~

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