Chapter 17

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"Hey, how was it?," are the first words I say to Gyehyeon when he comes out of the room where his therapy sessions regularly find place. 

"Okay I guess," he tells me and shrugs, secretive and vague as always. Then he quickly exchanges some formalities with our manager and starts putting on his jacket and his beanie as the weather is starting to get colder everyday now that we are mid-November. 

In a few days our comeback promotions are going to begin and even though this means stress, many preparations and time, I still insisted on coming with our manager to pick Gyehyeon up from therapy. I don't know how often I will see him during the next weeks so I wanted to spend some hours with him. Perhaps it's not only because of the comeback, in general I feel like we have distanced ourselves from each other a bit these days and I want to end that. 

"I'll have to talk to Dr. Lee about some thing, you already go, maybe you can take a walk in the park not far away," Hyunseo explains after Gyehyeon is ready to go. 

"Alright," I say and turn to Gyehyeon, quickly putting my hands in the pockets of my puffed jacket so that he doesn't catch me fiddling with my fingers as I'm quite nervous about being alone with him. As I said it's been a while, that's why this feels somewhat like a new experience which is weird. Even though us two were never the closest members of the group, we did do things together every now and then. 

The first few steps we take, it's silent and for a moment that isn't uncomfortable but after a while I can't stand it. 

"The weather is nice, isn't it..?", I state carefully and try to sound as casual as possible. 

"Don't know, it's cold," Gyehyeon answers and breathes some hot air onto his hands as if to underline said words by the action. 

"I guess, yes but it could be worse.. At least the sun shines," I argue and as if the universe was joking with me, a big cloud suddenly goes in front of the sun and covers it. 

"Er,or not," I add awkwardly, not knowing what else to say. 

To my suprise Gyehyeon lets out a chuckle. When I look at him, he seems at ease and the smile stays on his face. It makes me happy and I admit I feel a bit proud that I made him laugh, even though it wasn't exactly my doing.

We walk down the street and go over a cross-walk before we finally reach the entrance of the small park mentioned by Hyunseo. 

"You've already been there?", I question while we take our first steps into the wide space consisting of little paths and many benches to sit on. 

"No," Gyehyeon answers me at first.

"But I've wanted to come so it's nice we're doing that right now," he then tells me and we exchange a short eye contact and he gives me a small, almost unnoticeable grin which makes me feel warm inside. Even though it's not much, I can see that he is trying to open up a bit too me and I appreciate that a lot. I'm insanely happy he seems to be making some progress because I miss the sassy and caring Gyehyeon. 

After having silently walked for a while, I suggest that we to sit down and Gyehyeon agrees with a "Sure" and nods. 

"I like the cold air, it's refreshing and clears my mind," he suddenly starts talking when we have settled, me hiding my suprise that he's starting a conversation but playing it cool. 

"Didn't he say he didn't like the weather before," I think jokingly but find it funny how he changed his mind so quickly. 

"Yep, but the snow is missing," I retort, busy watching a duck all of a sudden  appearing out of nowhere. Gyehyeon notices it too. 

"Where did that come from?," he comments with a noticeable grin in his voice and I just laugh at that, then stating I didn't know either. 

The atmosphere is somewhat peaceful and I've never felt as calm these days as I do while sitting here with Gyehyeon, not talking but talking about nothing spectacular. To say it felt the same as it did when his mental state was better would be wrong but I can for sure deal easier with this than with the Gyehyeon that locks himself in his room and doesn't let anyone interact with him. 

hey, thanks for reading, I hope it was alright, have a good day and take care of yourself ((: 

I'm sorry that the chapter is so short but I didn't have the motivation to stretch it 

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