"I have a lot to change in myself to be the best boyfriend for you. Please forgive me this time too, my love."


"Where did you say you put my clothes?"

"It's in the laundry room at the end of the hallway!" Yeosang yells over the sound of the running water he uses to wash the dishes, till where his voice can be heard by Yunho in his bedroom. "You'll find them folded on the dryer. The other room next to it is the storage room, don't mistake it for the wrong room."

"I got it!" Yunho makes his way into the deeper part of the apartment to a hallway where he can see two separate doors on both sides, left and right. He follows his instincts to open the door on the right, and the moment the door swings open something falls down crashing on top of the guy stepping inside.

Though it didn't knock him out, the box that hit his head did put a lot of force into sending Yunho's head spinning. Yunho sucks in a breath, rubbing his head as he crouches down to pick up the box he dropped with the lid half open, pieces of small cards and papers inside it cluttered out into a mess. He thought it was just gonna be a random pile of private business cards or electricity bills that had nothing to do with him, until he discovered that the stuff is literally meant to be private.

From him.

He first notices the school logo, then the letters, then... The pictures. A crinkled photograph of a familiar class photo filled with faces he could identify ridiculously well, and a single formal shot of a young boy smiling eerily to the camera. From those eyes holding the ugliest form of evil inside him, Yunho could finally connect the dots he had been refusing the draw ever since he met the guy he wasted his love on. At this point, there was no point in lying to himself.

It all makes sense. But he was just too blind to accept it.

"Yunho, you could stay here a little longer because-" Putting his words to an end, Yeosang is petrified at the view of Yunho standing at the other side of the living room staring at him with the scariest eyes Yeosang has ever seen. Yunho storms towards him which frightens Yeosang into backing away.

"Game's over, Logan."

Upon hearing the name roll out of Yunho's tongue, Yeosang's heart immediately skips a beat.

"What are you talking about?" Yeosang stupidly splutters in response, hoping this isn't what he presumes it to be.

"Drop the act already." Yunho's deep voice rises, startling the timid guy before him. "You fucking prick."

He throws the photographs he's been hiding behind him into the air, letting them scatter around where Yeosang can see every detail of them. Each one is a childhood photo of him and Yunho together before things took a turn where their friendship flipped into hatred and revulsion. Yeosang had forgotten those pictures existed in his house and his mum must've stored them on the highest shelf in the storage room where Yeosang couldn't find them or destroy them.

"I told you not to go in there."

"Of course you did. Because you didn't want me finding these, right? So I could continue living an oblivious life with your sick lies?!"

Yeosang exhales through his nose. "I already knew this was coming."

"Is that so? You knew? So it was a game after all then, huh? Did you have fun, Logan? Do you want a medal for winning over this pathetic love I gave you and laugh at how dumb I must've been? Were you enjoying the times when I was clueless? Did you have fun playing with my heart you once stomped and crushed into tiny little pieces?!"

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