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There were only a few places around town that Kai could go to talk with knowledgeable people. (Who didn't mind her homeless getup) and to find those who were Knowledgeable, and trustworthy? That was called an information broker, and she wasn't going to take this that far. No, She was hoping for information she could trust, rather than an account of events from a "cousins sister's friend" type of story, but options were limited.
A big part of that limit, and her hesitation to talk to anyone was because of the fact that the cloaked people were commonly found near gang members or were otherwise associated with them.
Knowing that, Kai was reluctant to bring them up to anyone. Information had worth after all, and nobody liked snooping. If a teen like Kai was poking around and asking strange questions about strange people, there was a small chance that information could be considered valuable enough to keep and share among others... "I'm not in the habit of painting targets on my back in the shooting range" she sighed to herself as she started walking to the first destination she could think of.
She needed a phone.
Of all the people to talk to Henri was a stranger, and not at all trustworthy but he literally was one of the cloak wearers so... surely he'd have something to say worth hearing.
He had -specifically- given me his number to call him about demons, and since he'd brought it up so unprompted and matter-of-factly it seemed like a good start.
The matter of getting a phone wasn't so bad as the awkwardness, i always felt like a nuisance when I asked for help, but it was my only option if i wanted to call so Id have to start by talking to a few people I'd at least met. If I could borrow one for just a moment that would be great. They might not agree just because of the strangeness but there was nothing else to do except ask.
I felt my best chance for a good phone was at a local restaurant. Specifically, with the restaurants owners if he was around today,
As sometimes the shop closed unexpectedly or without notice.
The aforementioned restaurant owners name was Eric and though he wasn't exactly a friend, he was at least a well natured person.
I wasn't close to anyone in town but I frequented the small restaurant more then any other -when I had the money- and apparently that put me in the shops good graces.
Eric's shop wasn't anything special so it certainly wasn't busy either but I hoped he wouldn't care if I asked to use the store phone to call weirdos.

From where I was in town it was a 15 or so minute walk to the restaurant.
Even if Eric said no he'd probably give a me a discount on food if I stuck around and did a couple chores. I guess he was just nice like that.
He had his own family to take care of so he didn't really have the money for free handouts, especially being a small restaurant in an undesirable location.
as the little brick building came in view came into view I thought about it.
He was the only one I knew who had any kind of sympathy for my situation, and id been appreciative enough for that I'd done my best not to be a hassle, insensitive, or try to take advantage of the discounts I could get. There was no real reason to think he's be at odds with me today so I felt pretty confident this would be simple.

As I stepped in, Terra, Eric's older daughter -the one and only employee here- greeted me at the door. Straight to the point I asked if Eric had a moment. Terra seemed a bit annoyed but told me to wait a moment while she got him.
Glancing around, The shop wasn't looking to good. honestly, not a customer here on a nice afternoon. Maybe The patchy roof and worn furniture weren't very promising to guests after all but that wasn't why I was here. As Eric and Terra stepped out of the back kitchen the air almost seemed tense.
My confidence was already starting to fade. "You wanted to speak with me?" Eric asked.
I started rethinking this but I was already here.
I know this is odd but I was curious if you'd... let me borrow a phone?
I felt a bit stupid and a bit embarrassed asking such a vague question. Terra, who had gone back to the front but was still listening in laughed and seemed to think i was just as ridiculous as i felt, and Erin seemed surprised at least. You came to my restaurant, to ask me specifically about using a phone...? Why?
He said incredulously.
Look I know it's odd I started, but I got a phone number the other day that I'd like to try calling and I don't actually own a phone...
Calling from her place at the front Terra asked "Who's giving you numbers you can't even call?"
Well...  I hesitated to elaborate, any specifics about this just made it weirder, but I went on. So there was this stranger who was telling me to keep an eye out for... suspicious people.
Wow way to sell! that sounded great. I continued speaking anyways
I've been keeping my eye out, and Ive seem a few that fit the description. I get the feeling it could be bad news, so I'd like to call and see if I can get some answers about them?
I wouldn't bother anyone for nothing so I swear it's important, I really don't think the call is even going to last long, assuming anyone picks up I added.
"Whatd you start some illegal shit with the mob?" Terra yelled.
"Rude" eric told her.
Man we were never friends but she was not a fan of me today.
...I don't associate with thugs. I said plainly.
One eyebrow raised, Eric was obviously skeptical of my vague story at least.
"Look, Lots of people in town are suspicious kid. Their up to no good every day so, If your talking about the kind of suspicious that turns up at your door when you ask too many questions- then my answer is no, but if you give me more information I can reconsider at least"
That was fair but I still didn't want to explain.
Well... if he didn't seem to know already... look, I paused- I know we aren't best buddies or anything but if I give you some sensitive information can I expect you to keep it to yourself? "Oh don't tell me you really have gotten into some kinda trouble?" Erin said,
it's fine, I assured and lowered my voice. Nobody knows I've been watching and I saw... someone, a couple someone's in cloak, with horns and feathers and fur instead of hair I hissed quietly. I know exactly how I sound but I don't need you to believe me, all I'm asking is if you have a phone and a mind not to repeat this? Eric was taken aback and as Terra grew terribly quiet and footsteps left the other room I knew she'd heard what I said and was almost certainly going to repeat it elsewhere.
Well Great, perfect. Just gotten here and immediately trouble. Id tried to be considerate but if Terra was just going to listen in on everything I couldn't be calling Henri in the first place.

It didn't seem Eric had noticed his daughters sudden disposition as he answered me.
"If you really mean it, I... saw someone like that, just once."
"Terra was talking to a particular customer with a big hood for a while during hours, he wouldn't order so I started to get nervous, I was going to ask Terra for help with dishes so she didn't have to speak to him anymore, but when I took her place I could swear the face under the cloak had a nose like a bat...
he never did buy anything and the rest of the store was empty that day so I remembered how odd it was."

Sounded to me like maybe terra had some interesting friends... shit Well I knew I wasn't crazy at least. By now this didn't feel like a good time to be here.
Hurriedly I spoke up.
You know what, I don't think I need the phone anymore, but thanks anyway Eric. Maybe just keep an eye out for yourself and Terra, and I'll see you around sometime yeah?
Sure... He answered, deep in thought as I headed to the door.
I could practically sense the storm coming for me. The moment I was out of view from the windows I dashing on my way.

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