The Truth Of My Curse

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Time lost its meaning as the world above continued its revelry. In this concealed haven, I found solace and pleasure in the delicate ministrations of the waitress, her nimble fingers and enchanting presence intertwining with my senses. It was a moment of bliss, a stolen interlude in the grand tapestry of the high-rolling world I inhabited.

With each passing second, I cherished the fleeting escape from the weight of my royal responsibilities. Here, beneath the table, surrounded by the trappings of power and excess, I found a rare and precious respite, a smile ever-present on my face as I surrendered to the pleasures of the night.

As the waitress completed her discrete transaction with me, she ensured not to leave any mess behind, her professionalism evident even in these clandestine dealings. With a graceful exit, she slipped out from beneath the table, her lips covered by a finger, a sign of utmost secrecy. I barely paid her departure a second thought, for I knew the nature of her tasks could sicken even the most callous.

Fixing my disheveled clothes, I turned my attention to Elara, my ever-watchful guardian, and couldn't help but ask, "Why don't you ever do things like that for me? I'm sure your talents are not limited to such activities."

Elara rolled her eyes, her annoyance apparent as she retorted, "In your own words, 'I won't make you do anything you don't have to in order to protect my life.' Do you not recall this conversation? You wouldn't retract your words and allow me to commit myself to such activities."

I chuckled at her response, shaking my head in amusement. The thought of our relationship involving such tasks never sat well with me. I cherished her presence as my protector, my confidante, and my friend.

I turned my gaze toward the revelry in the room, pondering the lives of those around me. I wondered how many had climbed to their exalted positions at the expense of others, how many had met their fate for these few years of opulence. The weight of privilege and responsibility pressed upon my shoulders as I contemplated the price of the high life.

The night had grown dull for me, the party's allure fading as the revelry continued. It was time to make our exit, with Elara close behind, ever watchful.

As we moved towards the exit, a commotion seized my attention. A group of enforcers, known for their unwavering dedication and formidable protective skills, were causing a scene. Their loyalty to the city could sometimes manifest as ruthlessness beyond expectation.

What drew my immediate concern was the sight of them brutally pummeling a defenseless girl who offered no resistance. I couldn't stand by and watch this senseless violence. I shouted toward the enforcers, "Hey, cut it out! She's clearly not fighting back!"

They paused, their eyes locked onto me. One of them advanced toward me at alarming speed, as if ready to attack. But in a split second, a massive owl bear materialized between us, its deep growl resonating and causing the ground to tremble. Fear washed over the enforcer's face before he regained his composure and barked at his companions, "Let's go, boys, our job is done here."

They made a swift exit, leaving the girl battered and bloodied. I rushed to her side as she struggled to get to her feet, her body covered in cuts and bruises, her blonde hair stained red, and one of her gray eyes bloodshot. She was in a dire condition. I offered my hand to help her up and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

She let out a wry chuckle and replied, "You may be brave, but not so smart, huh? I appreciate the help, but I need to be on my way before they come back."

At that moment, Elara shifted back into her human form, her presence a silent reassurance as we stood there, facing the uncertain night together.

Determined to help the battered girl, I extended my hand, hoping to offer her some assistance. However, to my surprise, she slid through the crowd, a fleeting wisp of a figure, as if she believed Elara and I meant her harm. Confusion mixed with awe left me standing there, my hand suspended in the air, unable to fulfill my intentions.

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