I loaded the last box in the van before wiping my forehead and placing my hands on my hips. I shut the door before hitting the side of the car to let the man know he could start moving.

I watched as the moving van drove away before I was startled by the honking of a vehicle behind me. I turned, meeting eyes with my enraged best friend of five years, Jusi. 

"Y/n, what the hell has gotten into you?! I called you like 20 times in the past 2 hours!"

"Sorry love, I've been busy," I grinned, giving her a tight hug. She glanced at the spot where the moving truck just had been before slowly turning to my house. 

"Busy with what Y/n?" she asked suspiciously. My smile again didn't falter. I know she didn't approve of this. But what did her opinion matter to me?


Her jaw dropped as her eyes widened in fear. "You didn't."

"Oh, but I did."

As if she didn't believe me, she ran through the open front door to my empty house. "Y/n, are you crazy? Where do you think you're going?!"

I just smirked as her mouth gaped open at the blank walls. No posters, pictures, or anything.

"If I didn't know better I'd think you've gotten through this kpop phase. But I just saw a moving truck pull out of your driveway. Where are you going?" 

"Where do you think?"

Jusi just stared at me in horror. "You're not going to," she paused. "them, are you?"

I just shrugged with a small smile displayed on my lips. "Maybe baby."


"What? Who peed in your cereal?" I joked, but she didn't look to be in the mood for jokes.

"Tell me you are joking right now. This has to be a prank." She ran her fingers through her hair, messing up her perfectly brushed locks.

"Nope. Think about it. I'll be in the same timezone, see the same sights, hear the same things, and have the same weather! It'll be amazing."

She just sat down on the bare counter of my kitchen, a shocked expression on her face. She didn't seem to be taking this news well.

"What's with that face?"

"Y/n, you're moving to Korea just to have the same fucking weather forecast as them! You are obsessed!"

"I'm not obsessed. I'm loyal."

She looked at me in utter shock. "You're starting to act like a sasaeng Y/n. And I don't like it."

I stopped wiping down the counter and turned to her, a scowl on my face and an unknown emotion in my eyes. 

"Never call me a sasaeng. Ever."

"But that's what you're acting like!"

I stormed up to her and got as close as possible. "What do I do that isn't normal Jusi? Do tell me." I leaned back, arms crossed and a small smirk laid out nicely on my lips.

"For one, you're moving to Korea just to breathe the same air as them. And you also have figured out every single thing about them! Y/n you may not be as creepy as some of those fans out there, but you're sure getting close."

My smile faded as she got off the counter, a cold glare in her eye. "I'm done supporting this obsession Y/n. You treat me like garbage when it comes to defending those boys and now you were going to leave to a whole other country without saying goodbye to me, your best friend?" She turned to grab her purse and made her way to the door. "You need to watch your back Y/n. Because mark my words. One day or another this is going to come back around and bite you in the ass. Have a good time in Korea and make sure to stay healthy."

I smiled. Even when she's mad at me, she cares for my well-being. I truly loved her. But this was more important to me at the moment. I needed to get the hell out of here and move one step closer to the ones I love.

I made sure I had everything before grabbing my suitcase and locking the front door. I put the keys under the welcome mat for the real estate agent and loaded up my car. I got in the driver's seat and took a deep breath.

I began driving to the airport where I unloaded my bag and handed the keys to my friend Robert who worked as a valet driver at the airport.

"Alright, Robert. Thank you for everything. You promise you'll get this safely to my brother?"

He nodded, an empty smile on his lips. Jusi had once told me something happened to him in Senior year and he never fully had his normal smile again. He never told me what actually happened but I've always tried to include him in everything in hopes of getting his smile back.

"Alright bye. Thanks again," I grinned, giving him a quick hug before I lugged my suitcase inside. Once situated at my gate I crossed my legs and took out my phone, memorizing my way from the airport once in Seoul to my apartment complex. 

"Gate C7, Gate C7 heading to Seoul, South Korea. Your flight will be boarding in 5 minutes. Passengers A 1-60 please line up and wait for your ticket to be scanned." 

I stood up, excitement radiating off me. This is it. I was getting close now. It was starting to feel real. I'd been working on this for years. And I finally had everything needed to do it. 

Goodbye California, hello South Korea.



Welcome! So glad you're here! Updates should be regular if all goes according to plan! I hope you're as excited as me. This book is guaranteed to get a little creepy!

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