ONE 19: Confines.

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Boom. New Story I'm finally probably the most passionate about. Don't mind the poorly edited stuff. Anyway. here.




(A few hours after Liam woke up after breaking his leg again)

(Liam's POV:)

And just like that, here I am now.. Airy's Universe or whatever.. I honestly don't regret swinging that axe at him.. he deserved it anyway, right? I shouldn't even debate about this.. this is all just ridiculous anyway... Maybe I shouldn't have been so close to that tree.. my leg would've been fine.. Who knew I'd be stupid enough to break both of my legs in one year.. I'm just thinking about all of this.. thinking to myself that I'm most likely fucked.. I can't think that way though, I really shouldn't.. the past hours have just been very stressful so far, I need to get up.

I proceed to think to myself, proceed to think how am I going to get out of this world.. help everyone.. everyone's life is on the line.. it's all up to me to save everyone from these confines.. my thoughts can't help but be interrupted by a random poke in one of my pockets, suddenly I'm confused.. I reach my hand down to the pocket that's bothering me and pull out a... short cable? I start observing it... I suddenly realize it's a USB cable of some sort.. I could use this to get Texty back.. How you may ask? Let's just see.

(Ten minutes later)

Before I do any of that... I just realized.. where's that Airy?.. I guess I'll see if he's.. here.. or something.. worth a shot right? I mean he did give me a brand new cast.. I sit myself up slowly and grab a wooden crutch to help me stand and walk around.. how ever I walked.. I began to walk out of the small wooden cabin I was set in, as I walk out, I raise an eyebrow.. I don't see or hear anyone or anything except for a slight breeze and the waterfall.. I walk over to the side of the house and notice that Airy's bowl he collects reeds with is gone.. huh.. maybe I should check by the waterfall.

I walk over to the waterfall, glancing around when all of a sudden I see.. Airy's.. "hat"?.. if you can even call it that.. Well shit, he's dead. Looks like one of my problems are gone now.. I hesitantly glance down at the remaining part of Airy.. I decide it's best I leave it there for now.. what would I do with that thing anyway?

I walk back to the cabin for a quick moment, I look around for a second, before once more stumbling across the cave.. right! The cave.. with The Plane and the computer that controls the plane.. and.. my friends.. I timidly walk towards it now.. I raise an eyebrow and quickly walk all the way over to it, sitting on the little wooden stool while glancing at the computer and plane.. I peek down at the plane.. everyone.. looks so sad.. Bryce.. Scenty.. I realize some are gone.. that bastard Airy.. he did all of this even when I was gone.. he should've just gone sooner.. I turn away and glance at the computer, I know how I'm gonna get Texty back..

(Five minutes later)

I brought the dead computer over here, the one with Texty.. I took the little USB cord out of my pocket, plugging it into both of the computers.. maybe I can transfer Texty and the computer data to the other computer.. this should work...

I look up at the screen and wait for something to happen, suddenly a random popup appears..? It said "Confirm Transfer" I saw an "Okay" and a "Cancel" button.. I exhaled and wondered if this would even work.. it's worth a shot.. so I press "Okay" I see a green bar suddenly.. it's loading now.. this is gonna take a while.. I will let it do it's thing for now.. All that matters is that I get Texty back.

We all seem to just be stuck, confined, and dragged and teleported to one place after another.. I hope I can just sort this all out one day.. I stare into the screen and blink, waiting for this data transfer to finially finish.. will it even go through?.. I just hope something good happens because of this..


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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