Chapter twenty seven Aranging fate

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Jane then tapped her chin in deep thought. "And should I attend this event of his, there would be a excellent chance that he may increase our income from him, if the cards are played correctly of course.Whose to say, we could make a profit from this evening, and may have a closer relationship with him." Jane smiled. "Seems a perfect opportunity for improvement." She looked to Thomas, he smiled as well.

"Yes Mistress, once we return home and you are given a day or so for your cheek to heal we may go and enjoy an evening abroad. Not chasing monster, or battling the undead."

"An evening of peace." She finished for him.

"Exactly." Thomas nodded. "All the more reason to return to the estate as soon as possible."
Jane agreed then the two discussed a plan in what is to be done, until Jane became tired and Thomas left her to sleep. They both however, failed to notice a pair of red eyes glaring down at them in pure rage. The eyes narrowed as a growl was heard, then they disappeared.
The next day the company left Budapest on a rental jet, since the original was damaged still. Over the flight Jane had not seen or heard Alucard, though it was day time so she assumed he and Seras were asleep below. Once they all returned home, Jane was put to ease and seemed for a while to forget all that had happened, business went as normal and life began again. However, she only saw Seras and when she asked where Alucard was, Seras only said he requested not to be destined, and needed to be left alone.

Over the next week, Jane restored the organization to its regular clock work and by Wednesday went about her normal routine with no problems involving her health, or stress from her work. Jane was once again behind her desk, going through paper work, having meetings with her generals, discussing different training options, expanding facilities, and also holding staff meetings with Thomas.

As her butler had hoped, Jane was quickly back in the swing of things, better than he had thought. What eased Thomas the most was Jane did not sleep in her office any more, nor did she insist upon obsessing over the recent death of the 'demon'.

Like a good servant to his Mistress, Thomas hid the Golden mask in his room, and locked it away safely. As much as he admired her perseverance, the subject had to be put aside and forgotten no matter what happened.
It was time to move on.

The day of Sir John Butler's next scheduled event arrived. Jane was more than happy to be leaving the estate on a brighter tone. She was not out to kill, or to hunt, or even to have a meeting abroad, she was leaving to enjoy an evening, for once.

Since the event was for formal attire Jane, with the help of Devin, chose the appropriate dress for the night. It was decided, that she would wear a velvet green slim fit, complete with matching accessories, once Jane had it on and the back was clasped together tightly. With the help of make up, and a few days of healing the gashes on her cheek was nearly concealed, and all together healed. She looked at her reflection, then nodded in approval glancing to Devin.

"This should do for to nights purposes." Jane remarked.

Devin smiled widely. "Yes it will my lady, no doubt Sir Butler will fall for you with that dress on."

Jane looks up slightly, then laughed to her self. "I have no intentions to have any one fall for me tonight, I am there because I was invited. And also propose a longer relation with this man. He is our most powerful patron, and pays us well. It would be a benefit to the organization to have a close friend such as him."

Devin furrows her brows, then picked up Jane's cloths on the bed. "But my lady, I thought you were going because you wanted to find a suitor for you to marry." Jane's eyes widen, a small smirk on her lips.

"I don't know where you heard such a thing Miss Henderson, I had no such intentions about my visit to night. Who did you hear this from?"

" Mr. Thomas Holt my lady. He told me that you were to see a man to night, and that I was to make you look your best."

Wanted dead and alive ~ A Hellsing fanfiction.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu