Chapter eleven Saying good by

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Chapter eleven
Saying good by

Three hours after Seras went up in to the estate, the room had changed since Seras went up stairs. Instead of its usual pleasant tone, and light feeling, the air was dark, with the heavy humidity of hate flowing in to every crevice. Jane had not made a sound, or moved from where she lay as her back faced the rest of the room, the front of her body was nearly covered with pillows. Seras opened her coffin lid, peeking out at Jane and at a glance, she seemed to be asleep, but Seras was not so sure.

'Has anything happened while I was up?' Seras thought to Pip.

'Nozing, ze place has been like a graveyard since you left, but somzing has changed about zis room, zis whole part of ze estate in fact.'

'I know.' Seras replied 'I felt it.' She climbed out of her coffin straightening her short skirt, and fixing her spiky blond hair then quietly, as not to wake Jane, tiptoed towards the couch to where she lay. Seras lightly touched Jane's shoulder, rolling her over towards Seras gently. Jane's eyes where closed while her mouth slightly parted. Her features where soft and peaceful, seemingly untouched by the darkness surrounding her in the air. Jane was fast asleep snuggling up with one of the pillows.

'Poor girl.' Seras thought and reached for a woolen blanket just behind the couch, unfolded it then carefully placed it over Jane's body. Jane turned in her sleep mumbling a few words that Seras could not hear clearly even with her advanced senses.
Jane had a look of discomfort on her face, like what ever she was seeing in her mind was something unpleasant.
Seras kneeled closer to Jane in an attempt to make her more comfortable on the couch, but as the sent of Jane's skin and blood drifted up in to Seras's nose she recoiled to the other side of the room.
The smell of Jane's blood made her mouth water and fangs grow large to a razor point, and had to snatch a blood pack form the fridge to appease her spiked thirst. Ripping the top of then draining the red liquid with one gulp.

Jane had the blood of a virgin Hellsing flowing through her. Similar to Integra, but Integra was aged and not as alive with energy as she once was. Jane however, was a living breathing fountain of youth for vampires. A pure blue blood, untouched by a man, and fresh with life. She was a mouthwatering specimen to say the least. Seras now understood why he wanted Jane's blood so badly at Integra's birthday. She was just surprised he only tried it once, instead of trying to drink from Jane again.

As if the devil heard his name, a rapping came at the door, causing sears to jump. She would have heard foot steps coming toward the door, and if it where her master he would have simply walked through the wall.

Seras put her ear to the door and listened. "Who is it?" She asked.

"Calin Hugori, from the fourth Garrison, I have a troop up stares, we were ordered to escort the lady Jane to sir Hellsings chamber!" Seras looked back to Jane, she was still sleeping but the look of discomfort was heavy on her face.

"Give me a moment." Seras said. She came over to Jane's side, careful not to breath to much of her sent. "Jane." Seras called shaking her arm. "Jane, time to wake up, we needed to go up stairs."Jane's eyes squinted tight then burst open, showing her dilated caramel orbs. She sat up like lightning screaming at the top of her lungs. Jane was covering her ears, but her eyes remained wide open.

"Jane!?" Seras cried. "Jane stop
Screaming, what's wrong?!"

"Get out of my head!" Jane screamed. "Leave me alone!"

"Who?!" Seras implored, utterly confused by what the little Hellsing was talking about.

Jane shook her head violently, fresh tears slipping down her face. The iron door to Seras's room swung open, with Calin running in. "What's going on captain?!" He asked coming to Seras's side. Calin saw Jane in a state of panic, with her trembling hands over her ears, as if she heard something she wished to forget. "What happened?!"
Calin asked Seras, looking at Jane with a face of deep concern.

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