Chapter 7: Painkiller

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From: Taehyung
Didn't see you at Genetics, is everything okay?

Taehyung's message pops up on my screen in the dimmed lights. I stretch my arm out to grab my phone, unplug the charger and curl up again in a ball as another wave of cramps hits me.

Yeah... I mean not really, I'm just having a shitty day

I type through the pain, still praying the painkillers I took will have some motherfucking effect soon. I might start screaming if they won't.

From: Taehyung
Do you wanna meet up at my place to take your mind off it?

Our deal is based upon mutual help, which means we can both ask for a specific kind of favour whenever we feel like we'd need it, either because our day isn't going as planned, or we're just in the mood - two opposite situations that surprisingly occur with the same frequency. The other person doesn't have to run when called, obviously, we're free to refuse with or without any explanation. My explanation today is simple:

I'm having period cramps,
I don't think it's a good idea.

I don't want it to get messy. He wouldn't like that either.

From: Taehyung
I've heard that period sex can help with cramps, though, is it true?

His question leaves me speechless for a second.

Wish I knew. I really don't want to make a mess, blood stains like a bitch, I'd feel bad for the sheets.

From: Taehyung

His text leaves some suspense and I hold my breath as I stare at the word "typing..." under Taehyung's name. What on Earth does he have in mind? I'm open to every possibility.

A friendship with benefits is a great chance to explore new horizons and experiment with new objects. We've recently taken an online BDSM test which, however created for amusement purposes, gave us a quick insight of what tendencies we have and what we may enjoy the most. Safe to say we found each other's perfect match in terms of preferences. This is the ground we'll develop our relationship on. The rest we'll uncover through crystal clear communication as time passes.

We later agreed that we could do whatever we felt comfortable trying, be it old, new, usual, unusual, doesn't matter. I honestly find myself enjoying everything the way it is, I go with the flow and still love it in all its simplicity. However, I don't mind a little twist, either, being it unusual or not. Both our results suggest high tendencies for experimentalism, in the end. What is it going to be this time?

From: Taehyung
We could do it in the shower.

Fuck's sake. Not exactly something unusual, but still new to me. And definitely an offer I won't decline as of now. Or ever, for that matter.

You're a genius. I'm in.

From: Taehyung
Problem is, my roommate isn't leaving the house until tomorrow morning. Is there any chance I could come by to your place?

My uncle and aunt are out, they won't be coming back for at least a couple hours
So yes, you can come.

From: Taehyung
Great. I'll be there soon.

There's no need to add much more than that. Taehyung and I get each other in the blink of an eye. It's easy to consider him a friend already, even though we've known for a few weeks only. We may not have hooked up many times, and yet something in all of our intercourse sessions truly makes me believe we enjoy each other's company, to the point where we hang out in our free time outside sex, too. I sometimes feel the urge to punch him in the face for being so arrogant, but he's a good person and a respectful sexual partner nonetheless.

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