Chapter 11: Zoom in

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I swore to myself I would stop picking at the skin around my nails. And I was doing just fine, until tonight. After biting my nails one by one, I began torturing my cuticles as if I hadn't eaten a single bit of food in over two weeks. What's worse is, I even started feeling the tingling sensation that compels me to leave my house earlier. Nothing could keep me in the house any longer, I needed to get out and walk my impatience off. Ayame gave in to my insistent pleas and joined me earlier than the others, dragging Céline along. If our French friend doesn't kill me tonight, I'll have to consider myself the luckiest person alive.

I'm actually angry at myself, too. I had no reason to leave the house so early. Jimin and Taehyung couldn't make it on time to save their lives, Namjoon has to wait for his girlfriend to pick him up, meaning it's no use hoping he might make it here by 9 p.m. Lastly, his friends explained that, since Jungkook is busy until after dinner, he's not certain he'll show up. Did I hope he could magically neglect his plans and fly to me just to spend a few hours together? Beware the delusion, Bridge. But how can I, when Ayame confessed that the purpose of this night out was for me and him to meet again? She's feeding me the sugar-coated delusional pill day by day. She's the only person made aware of the relationship between me and Taehyung, and yet also the only one who's trying to set me up with Mr. Bambi Eyes. I couldn't survive Seoul without her.

The first to arrive is Taehyung, only ten minutes late. He's with Jimin. If I were to judge who looks more gorgeous, I'd throw myself off a bridge instead of making the decision. The devil and the angel. The brunette and the blonde. The moon and the sun. Their cackles grow louder as they approach us, seemingly laughing their arses off for some hilarious joke one of them said. Their bright smiles remain on their lips even once they're standing right before us. I greet Taehyung with a hug, while Ayame pulls Jimin in for a quick hug as well. She then introduces herself to Taehyung: even though they've heard of each other from Jimin and Hyunjin, this is the first time they properly meet.

In the meantime, Céline has made friends with the wall behind us and is so pressed against it that I'm afraid she wishes to disappear through it. Ayame gently pushes Jimin and Taehyung towards her, so that she can introduce them. After the quickest glance and an ephemeral smile, she's back to avoiding everyone's gaze, especially Taehyung's, who apparently has the same effect on all of us here. Not only did Ayame's voice hesitate a little when she spoke to him earlier, but her eyes also darted nervously around her in the hope of escaping his intense stare. We discuss whether to wait for the others inside or outside the pub. Since it's not that chilly, everyone soon agrees that we can stand outside for a couple more minutes. Namjoon and his girlfriend don't take too long to arrive. He flashes us a genuine smile from across the street and greets Céline, Ayame and me before giving his friends a brotherly hug. Céline looks even tinier in comparison to the 5'11" guy who bows at her. Whilst he exchanges a quick word with Jimin and Taehyung, I take a step closer to his girlfriend.

"Hi, I'm Bridget" I stretch a hand out for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Heejin." The first impression she gives out disorients me a little. She seems quiet and reserved, yet her attitude and firm voice suggest the exact opposite. Please tell me she doesn't have the same duality as Taehyung, Jimin or Jungkook. I can't be swept off my feet by so many people all at once, have mercy on me.

Namjoon notices Heejin and I are getting to know each other, so he turns to us and helps with introducing the rest of us. Taehyung reserves her an unusually cold greeting, the opposite of the bright grin Jimin flashes her. Heejin reserves for him the same kind of fake smile, creating unwanted tension that nobody prepared me for. Namjoon, seemingly accustomed to their behaviour, invites us to go inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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