Chapter 8: Lost stars in the galaxy

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"Ten thousand won says Céline can sing," I stretch my hand out for Ayame to shake.

She narrows her eyes at me, studying my face to guess how tipsy I already am. "I'm not going to bet if we both believe she can" she laughs.

"Oh," I blink multiple times as my slowed brain elaborates the information. "Fair enough." It's my go-to statement for when I have no clue what the fuck is going on. Bet or no bet, Céline bailed on us last second when she found out the place we were going to hang out at was hosting a karaoke night. Ayame was so kind to invite us here after giving us a tour of the campus. We put it off for the past two weeks because she had fallen ill, now she's fully recovered and looks absolutely stunning in her new outfit. Her personality reminds me of Jade's: they're both my voice of reason and partners in crime. Honestly, I've liked Ayame since the very first moment I met her, when she introduced herself with a big, genuine smile and showed me and Céline around with an admirable amount of self-confidence. It feels like I've known her for years.

Céline was supposed to come as well to this 'girls' night', but eventually decided against it and preferred to spend the night in. I can't blame her, to be fair. I know she's an introvert and only has limited social battery, a karaoke night might've been too much to start off with. Maybe next time she'll join us, she just has to trust us a little more first. If she can sing, I will make her, one way or another. If she can't, I'll still drag her with us to scream out of tune without a single care in the world.

Ayame takes a sip of her alcoholic drink and licks some sugar off her lips. Her glass looks prettier than mine, with a sprinkle of sugar on the rim, a tiny flamingo stuck in a lemon slice, and coloured ice cubes. My ice cubes are regular, I don't have any decoration but an iridescent straw and an orange slice. I'll give it a five for the effort.

I, too, lift my drink to my lips and gulp down what's left in the glass. When I put it down on the table and glance at Ayame, she's staring at me like I'm some kind of paranormal phenomenon. She hasn't even gotten to half of her drink. I laugh at her surprise, and decide to order another one. I know how much I can take before losing control of my mental faculties, and this drink definitely wasn't that much.

I stand up and adjust my trousers, getting rid of a few chip crumbs from the snack we had earlier. The song is coming to an end, dare I say finally. The woman singing right now is most likely tipsier than me, which isn't pleasing to the ears: her voice is hoarse and she's missed a few high notes since the beginning of the tune. I make my way to the counter, where I force myself to order in Korean instead of choosing the easier path. I struggle with the words, but the bartender helps me by finishing my sentences so that I only have to say yes or no. I smile thankfully at her and rest my elbows on the counter to wait for my drink to get ready. When she's done with my order, I pay for it and grab my drink with both hands to carry it safely to my destination.

Thank God that woman is no longer singing. Someone had to help her off the stage because she could barely stand on her feet. All I'm hearing now is a background noise of voices overlapping, although it never gets too loud. Someone else climbs up on the stage and starts singing the first notes of a song in Korean.

When I hear his voice I freeze in my steps. Had I not tightened my fist around my glass, it'd be shattered on the floor by now. I don't dare lift my gaze up. It can't be him. It cannot possibly be him.

I zone out, my mind flashing back to the summer of two years ago, when Audrey and I forced Leigh to sing at a karaoke in Malta. Many are the reasons why I'll never forget our trip to Spain. One of them was him. I'm suddenly taken back to that night and can remember everything so vividly that it feels like it happened just a few days ago.

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