"Seriously you need to sleep" Bang chan said to him "You've been awake for 27 hours"

"I need to make sure she's okay" Lee know insisted

"Minho, the doctors have said she'll be okay" Hyunjin said "We're all worried but there's nothing we can do except wait"

Lee know didn't respond and just kept watching Hae "I'm scared" he exhaled "I can't lose her" they were all surprised that he had opened up like that. Hae was aswell "I don't know what I'd do without her"

"We know" Felix sighed. He didn't know what else to say. Hae decided to wait until the boys were silent to 'wake up' she didn't want lee know to know she knew he was scared. She knew he would want to act brave for her, and she knew it would help him so she would let him.

Slowly Hae started to fidget "Guys?" she whispered, all of them immediately stood up and looked down at her "What happened?"

"The car crashed" Seungmin told her

"Is everyone else okay?" she asked quickly

"They have a few bruises and cuts but they'll be okay" Bang Chan said "Are you?"

"Yeah" she nodded "I feel a bit sore but that's it" she explained "How did it happen?"

"The crash?" Felix asked, hae nodded and he breathed deeply "Some people were throwing things at the car and the driver couldn't see through it"

"Oh" she sighed. Knowing people hated her so much they wanted to hurt her like this made her heart ache. Tears started pooling in her eyes but she blinked them back

"Should we get the doctor?" I.N asked the others

"Yeah" Chan nodded, he looked around the room and saw Lee know still sitting beside Hae, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear while whispering something to her "Let's all go" He said

The others looked confused but he nodded towards Lee know's direction and they all understood. They all got up and left, leaving lee know and Hae "Are you sure you're okay?" lee know asked

"Yeah, i am" she nodded "I just can't believe they would do that to me"

"Neither can i" he sighed "But they won't be able to again, i'll make sure they won't"

"Minho, you can't make sure" she told him

"Yes i can" he told her "They'll never be able to do anything to you ever again, i promise"

Hae knew this was Lee know's way of dealing so she nodded and smiled "Okay"

They sat in silence for a second "I should have been there" he whispered


"I should have been there to protect you" he said louder "I don't know why i wasn't"

"Minho, it was a solo promotion. it wouldn't have made sense for you to be there" she told him, holding his hand "There was no way for you to prevent this"

"Well i should of" He said "From now on i'm always going to be there" He said. Even though he was talking to Hae she knew he wasn't saying it to her, he was saying it to himself. A promise he was making to himself that he would never let her get hurt again.

"Good" she smiled "I like being with you"

"That's good because i'm not leaving your side ever again" He said, nodding and Hae smiled "But i do have to go to the bathroom"

"You can go" She smiled "I'm not gonna get hurt while you're in the bathroom"

"Okay" he sighed "I'll be back soon"

Hae nodded and closed her eyes, however almost immediately the other boys came back in "That was quick" she joked, sitting back up "Oh it's you guys"

"Where's lee know?" Changbin asked

"Went to the bathroom" Hae answered

"I'm surprised he left you" Seungmin said "He stayed awake all night in case you woke up"

"He was so scared, Soon-Bok" Felix said to her, sitting beside her on the bed and leaning on her "We all were. I couldn't think about anything else except the pain you were feeling and how i wanted to take it all away"

"Well i'm okay, so there's nothing to be scared about anymore" she smiled, hugging him

"I'm really glad you're okay" I.n said, hugging Hae "I don't know how i'd do anything without you"

"Thanks, innie" she sighed, hugging the younger boy

"I was terrified when Bang Chan told us to come to the hospital" Hyunjin said to her "I really was, Rosey"

"Jinnie" she whispered, hugging her best friend

"I just kept thinking the last thing i said to you was 'leave, you cookie eating loser' " Changbin said, hugging her with a smile

Hae laughed and hugged him "Well i am a cookie eating loser" she chuckled

"But you're MY cookie eating loser" Changbin exclaimed, hugging her tighter

"Excuse me she's my cookie eating loser" Han said, pushing Changbin off and hugging Hae "I'm so happy you're okay, Sunny. I don't know what i'd do without you" He whispered so no body else could hear

"I'm right here, Jisung" she whispered back "And i always will be"

Han smiled and stepped back "Even Seungmin was upset"

"Minnie?" Hae exclaimed, looking at the member

"No i wasn't" he said

"Yes he was" Hyunjin smiled "He cried" he said, wrapping an arm around seungmin

"Stop" Seungmin groaned, moving away from Hyunjin

"Sengmin, come here" Hae smiled, opening her arms for him. He walked forward and hugged her "I'm okay, i promise" she whispered

"Good" he whispered back, hugging her tightly. After a few seconds he moved back and Bang chan hugged her

"Are you okay, Channie?" she questioned, feeling the man sniff

"Mhm" he nodded "I feel like such a bad leader and a bad friend. I'll never forgive myself for letting that happen"

"It wasn't your fault, Chris" She assured "Really, it wasn't"

"I should have been there"

"No you shouldn't have" She said, looking at him "You couldn't have stopped it, okay?"

He nodded and stepped back. The doctor walked in with Lee know after a few seconds. They must have seen each other in the corridor and started speaking. The doctor told them she would have to stay a few days but she would make a full recovery. Hae told the boys they could leave and go back to the dorm but they didn't and instead stayed the night again. Lee know stayed up with her until she went to sleep and then stayed awake the whole night, watching her sleep peacefully. Even though she was fine he didn't want to look away, thinking that if he did she would get hurt again and that was his worst nightmare. Once Hae woke up in the night to him watching her "You need to sleep, Minho" she told him

"No i don't" he said, gripping onto her hand "You do"

"Sweetie, there was no way for you to stop this from happening" she said "Stop blaming yourself"

"I will" he nodded "I'll stop when you're back at home"

"I am at home" she told him "I'm with you"

"And you always will be" he said "Always"

Sunny |9th member of skzWhere stories live. Discover now