Field trip (Part 11)

Start from the beginning

On Marinette's side.

After some running.

Marinette and Aliyah are now in a small storage room for floor mops and other cleaning stuffs.

" Alright. We should be far enough now. " Stated Aliyah after she carefully examined all directions around the room and inside the room.

" Yeah. Tikki! " Called Marinette.

" Here! Let's do this, Marinette! " Answered Tikki.

Marinette nodded,
" Tikki, spots on! Hah! " She transformed. " Aliyah. "

" Yes! "

" I want you to start your Ladyblog live so that Cat Noir can also come here. "

" You can count on me! I will start right now! "

" Good. "

" But Mari- I mean Ladybug, who will help you till then? "

" You don't have to worry about that. I know just the people for the job. "

" Neno? "

" No. His work now is to be with Adrian and Rose but don't worry I know who to choose thanks to your grouping. "

" Alright then. "

Then they both split up in their own different directions.

On Chloe's side.

She is still fighting Reflecta all by herself but there was one more problem for her to worry about now.


Damn! I am reaching my limits!

My body is getting more and more exhausted by each passing moment!

It seems that Reflecta-lised people don't get the exact same physics as the original body after all.


As my mind was getting distracted subconsciously, Reflecta took notice of it and kicked me in my stomach and I fell back at some distance.

" Cough!! "

I tried to sit up but struggled. My hands were shaking.

It is not denying now.

The game is in her hands.

... I'm doomed.


" Heh! " I let out a laugh in frustration as my body was aching with pain and my expression was as ugly as it can get plus all that beating up is not helping much.

She leaped towards me.

I am done for... Seriously.

I grinned my teeth on the acceptance of my defeat.

But then suddenly everything went in fast motion and I wasn't able to comprehend my situation at all.

.... What happened?,
I thought to myself after gaining a little awareness.

" You ok? "

I looked at my side and found a yellow and black figure was swinging while getting a hold of me tightly from my waist.


Haa. So finally they came. Ladybug should be nearby as well.

" Yep. All thanks to your 𝘰𝘩-𝘴𝘰 fast arrival." Even though I was tired and all beaten up but sarcasm was the only thing that came out of my mouth in the sight of these lazy ass heroes.

She landed beside the white poster where we all were hiding before Reflecta burst in.

" We are very sorry for being late. " She then placed her hands on my shoulder and made a confident expression. " But don't worry. We will absolutely not let all your efforts go to waste. Rest here, I am assigned to protect you while others will handle Reflecta. " And then stand at a little distance from me, all attention to the fight, in her attack pose while ready to fight or fly with me if the situation calls.

Her speech...

Clichè as it is but I got to say I'm impressed. She is ridiculous in being a hero but I do have to say that she does get the charm to be called one.

I then noticed that while Vesperia was protecting me, Ladybug and Viperion were fighting Reflecta near the entrance door.

" *Sigh* " I let out a sigh as I was warned out.

Anyway, I can rest a little now.

Soon after, Cat Noir joined the fight as well.

That was a good move to join late, Cat Noir. I see, you are taking my advice from before seriously. This way no one can say that you were here from before.

It was also when I noticed that my backpack was missing...

Where in the name of Voldemort's nose is my bag!?!?

Oh right! I left it under the poster.

I looked inside and found my bag was eating dirt on the dirty floor.

" Ugh! Gotta throw this away later. "

Anyway. It was not like I was in any better condition than that.

Like, first, I am looking like a pink doll of a toddler who is experimented on with expired makeup and what not and then been beating up made me look like a thrown in the dustbin doll after use!

Thank you akumatised Julika, I hate pink now.

I repeat, I utterly 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 pink now.

" Chloe! Are you ok!? " Said Ladybug from behind me.

I looked behind her and found the other two heroes were there as well.


Reflecta is defeated?

Wait, 𝘴o why am I still reflecta-lised. I didn't change back.

...Don't tell me...

" Reflecta got away. " As if he knew what I was thinking said Cat Noir.

Hearing that I let out my utterly disappointed look.

" You know that you are four people, right? Three as one was with me. And yet she manages to run away? Not to mention isn't Vaiperion's power time reversal? So how exactly did she manage to run away? "

" It was me. I let her go. " Answered Vaiperion.

" Why? "

" I turned back time multiple times but every time she ended up hurting someone badly... Specifically you and Vesperia. There was also a time when Vesperia ended up unconscious and even after so much attempt we failed so then I decided to let her go or else I was afraid that things could have been even more dangerous. "

" How did she still end up being so powerful? Shouldn't she have lost some stamina by now? "

" You are right but unfortunately she didn't and we also can't defeat her while making sure she doesn't run away and make sure someone will not get hurt... Not to mention we are at a disadvantage as well, I mean fighting in a small compressed room... Though, that isn't important right now. " Said Ladybug.

" Seriously? You sure you're not making excuses- "

" Hear me out. -"

How dare you cut me off.

" - She is way more powerful than last time we fought her. I am afraid that the four of us are not enough for her and I know you are tired but I have no other choice- " She takes her yoyo, opens it and puts her hand inside and takes a wrist chained punk ring bracelet outside. " Chloe Bourgeois, here is the miraculous of the tiger which gives you the power of clout, you will use it for the greater good. Can I trust you again? "

" 𝗔𝗯𝘀𝗼𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗻𝗼𝘁. "

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