Clear Skies

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(No one's POV)

Rain sat on a bar stool next to Ciara. He didn't say anything at first but was lost in his train of thought and was holding a wine glass.

"Hey, be honest with me....was the Nether Princess really your girlfriend?" Caria asked, breaking the silence. This took Rain by surprise and he let go of his cup.

"Woah, that was out of nowhere. Why'd you ask?" His voice didn't have any surprising tone, but more of tiredness and sadness. Of a memory that had just popped into his after hearing her name.

"Oh, just gossip around the Nether Bane, wanted to know if they were true. Can't imagine how hard this was on you though, killing someone you had affection for."

"Right," He grunted, as he was not comfortable talking about his situation. "I'd really rather not talk about this, I've already moved on-"

"Even after her death, she still bothers you, doesn't she?" Caria interrupted while playing with one of her daggers. "She's like a lost spirit haunting you, reminding you that you are still in love with someone else you killed long ago."

"Your treading on thin ice Caria" Rain gritted through his teeth, grabbing his glass and tightening his grip.

"I know," She laughed to herself, "I know a broken-hearted man when I see one." She leaned in a little closer and put her arm around his shoulders, "You want another Nether-kin girl, buddy may I suggest-"

"Her?! NO.... I haven't even moved on from-" Rain yelled and got the attention from all of the bar but cut himself off when he realized Caria was pulling a disapproving face and was leaning on her arm. "I'm conflicted, Okay," He rubbed his head and looked down at his drink. Rain tried to hide his face in his palm and ignored what Caria had just said.

"Listen, my word of advice, fellow undead to another, revisit your memories with the Nether Princess, go through everything one last time. Accept that she's gone from this world and only then you'll find peace within yourself." Caria pushed back on her chair and slid off, walking towards the exit.

"I-.....I don't know. What else is there to remember?" He asked turning around in his stool.

"Only you can answer that Dragon Tamer, This is as far as anyone can guide you. The rest is on your hands. Good luck and I pray you'll be free of your burden soon. Maybe you'll find love again." With that, he heard the click of the door opening and closing as Caria walked out.

Rain put his head in his hand and shook his head, 'I can not keep doing this' He thought. Angry, he stood up and left. Kane and Caria were standing just outside the doors and saw Rain leave as he didn't acknowledge either of them.  

"Rain?" Kane asked but was ignored, he looked at Caria as she watched Rain walk away like they weren't even there. Rain tried to clear his head by walking around the grounds of the village but was stopped when Stella ran up to him.

"Hi, Rain!" She beamed. He didn't say anything and just kept walking. She opened her month to say something but was cut off.

"NOT NOW!" He snapped and pushed her back. Stella was frightened by this and sighed, thinking she had done something wrong. Kane and Caria were watching in the background and when Caria saw what Rain just did, she was disappointed and shook her head with her hand against her face.


A young boy ran around the village grounds in the hope of finding his best friend. He came to a stop and looked around before getting hit in the side of the head with a snowball. The boy looked to his right and saw who threw it, a girl, his best friend. She stood not far from him, laughing when she threw another one. He dodged and started chasing her, both with a huge grin spread across their faces. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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