Wings of Salvation

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"You are going to the floating isles alone. Have you thought this thought" The general asked. "None of you can go with me it is a death wish to go there without wings" I say. "URGH" we cant risk losing you" The bandit yelled. "And we cant risk letting them win. I'll take the fight to them before they take the fight to us." I say calmly. "I like your valour but it worries me sometimes, don't die out there" The general said. "My wings are for mans kind liberty, I saw the skies because I must." With that the meeting had ended. I walked over to the edge of the mountain and the cool gentle breeze was gently waving my light blue hair and the smell of fire had damaged the sky. I look back to the general and the bandit who had come with me, and then jumped off the side of the mountain with a flip and flew off. Going back and forth between towers of nether brick that was built up. I see that there are a few wither skeletons guarding so the first thing that I can think of is to shoot them with my guns and it only takes a few hits before they are gone. But to my surprise some nether portals start to show and and ghasts started to come out with a wither. I started to shoot the beasts with ease and all most got hit with a wither skull that was thrown at me. I managed to get rid of them and go through one of the nether portals floating in the skies.
When I come out the other side I trip on the edge of the portal and fall down to the nether floor full of red dust. The lava flowed like a waterfall with bright reds, oranges and yellows falling from the nether sky. Out of nowhere this giant wither skeleton rises from the floor of lava with a roar of anger. I take of into the nether sky and start to shoot the skeleton and in a weak spot where his ribs was showing white bone. The giant falls back into the lava and rests its head and neck on the nether floor with pigmen just standing around it. I was just about to go back into the portal when I hear someone moaning for help. I turn around to see that Rain the dragon tamer is in the fortress fighting smaller wither skeletons and pigmen and it looks like he is struggling and can't keep fighting for long. I fly over and help him by shooting the monsters away till there is nothing left. "Why are you here Lady Azura?" Rain asked very weakly. "I am here to save you, you have been in here for to long, its time to come home." I say calmly. I look him in the eyes and realise that he wasn't acting like him self, His skin had cuts and bruises everywhere, his eyes were darker then usual, almost black, his body was drenched in blood and his swords were about to break. "Rain, you are in no state to fight like this any more, I am taking you home" I say sternly. I pick Rain up by the arms and fly back to the portal. "Abigail, no" Rain said very faintly.
As we fly back through the portal I feel a lot better with the fresh air and the blue skies. I fly back over to the castle and slowly put Rain down on the balcony in front of the general and say "He has been in the nether for to long he needs medical attention now, Sire" General Patrick got some medical staff and  took Rain to the medical ward.

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