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(Kane's POV)

Rain, Stella, Ciara and myself were all sitting round a table, still in the Taven working on a plan to get the End Crystals back. Stella was holding the frog, Ciara was holding a drink and Rain stood there  with a concerned look on his face. "So if what the frog says is true, then the Piglin King holds one of the Crystals. We'll go to his castle, grab it, and go. This will be an easy quest because the Netherbane knows the Piglin Kingdom inside and out.... Any questions?" I say. "Huh? Why does the Nether have two kings? I thought King Neaus already united the whole Nether under his banner?" Stella says with a confusing voice. I answered he question by saying "The Piglin King and his faction are independent, But they run supply lines for the Nether King in exchange for protection. We may have to deal with them along the way" Rain seemed a little shocked at what I said but them replied with "Then that means if their kingdom falls, It will cripple the Nether supply lines. That should slow down their invasion and give the Frostbourne an upper hand in the war" He seemed happy that there was a way to slow the Nether down, even after all that he has been through with them too. "Yes, I'll kill the Piglin King" Ciara said, putting her drink down and the drawing one of her blades. I was surprised that she was even listening the conversion, let alone already threatening to kill someone. I was a little annoyed with her doing that so I said, "Ciara, please.... We've talked about this before-" I was cut off by her saying, "I'm ending what I started! This isn't just about the End Crystals. This is between the Netherbane and the Piglin Kingdom." I was now really mad with her, for wanting to go back to the Nether again and kill some Piglin for the sake of stopping a "war" between the Netherbane and their kingdom. This was getting ridiculous, she already tried go to the Nether once to kill him and ends up getting killed herself and then I had to go and save her. "You already died chasing the Piglin King once!" I say as I slam my fists to the table. "We're already undead, Kane. We can die as many time as we want! Without the Nether Princess, he's helpless now. It's time to finish the battle I started years ago.... This time he will not escape" She said with a calm voice. 

(Stella's POV)

A few minutes later, we all went outside to take a break and put the horses away. Ciara was leaning against the Taven wall, still holding her drink, lost in thoughts of what I assume were thoughts of killing the Piglin King. Rain and Kane stood just behind me as I walked forward waving to the horses as a few guards took them to the stables. Kane was rambling on about some sort of golden gun that was going to help us but to be honest, I think its only going to help him. After a few minutes, the four of us went inside and sat at the table with a map of the Nether on it. Kane was explaining the plan to us on how we get in without getting killed. Ciara did not seem overly interested in what we were taking about and just sat there quietly with the frog next to her. 

We finished the 'meeting', grabbed our weapons and went outside to an open area, so that I was able open a Nether portal. We go through the portal, and by luck we ended up right in front of a bridge that leads to the castle. We got to some sort of arch on the bridge, that was blocked by piglins. We didn't stop walking towards them though. None of us was scared or not willing to fight them, or to beat up, we were ready to fight them. "CHARGE" The Piglin brute yelled. All different piglins/ Pigmen started charging at us, and we readied our weapons. Rain took the first move by running and jumping into the air, and then slamming his sword on the ground, causing the ground to shake, break and send Pigmen flying. I then jumped up behind him and shot an arcane beam out of my book. Ciara the throws on of her blades and teleports in front of me, and starts slicing heads of Pigmen and Piglins. Kane was using the golden gun that he had and then switched to his axe to fight the Piglin brute. Rain was spinning around killing anything that got in his way and it was pretty impressive. Ciara was throwing her blades at everything, Kane was still fighting the brute and I was summoning arcane swords and a beam. Kane looked tired and I don't think he was going to last long but then Ciara, out of nowhere, throws a blade and landed and the brute's shoulders; giving him a few quick stabs to the neck before being thrown off. He raised his axe but I used a blade to knock it out of his hand and the Kane finished him of by shooting him in the chest. He fell to the ground, lifeless, surrounded by the others. 

(Rain's POV)

Time passes by and we make it to some sort of red forest. The four of us walk off a bridge that was made from some sort of black stone and lit with blue lanterns. This place was so much different from what I remember it being. "AH" I hear Kane gasp. We all look over and see a zombified pig, but it was the size of a hog. We run behind a few trees and wait for it to look away and then we ran the other way. We kept running, and we saw what looked like village houses. Eventually we make it to the castle and its made out of stone that I haven't seen yet and it has the blue lanterns all around it. 

(Ciara's POV)

'We finally made it' I thought. I stop just before the doors and take a deep breath in and close my eyes.  I waste no time, I grab out my blades and then run through the doors, not waiting for the others. I teleport to the guards, landing on their shoulders, stabbing them both in the neck. I heard the others running up behind me as I flip the switch that opens the door. "Wait-" Stella yelled before Kane cut her off. "Don't, let her be the one to kill the king, we just need to make sure that she doesn't get killed." Kane's voice was faint but I was still able to make out what he said. I slowly walk up to the king, with two guards next to him. Fear struck him and you could see it in his eyes as he was clutching onto the golden staff. The floor was like a Blackstone with white brick and red carpet, leading to the throne. The walls were made from the black stone, shelves hanging on the wall with lanterns glowing. A gold sword hung on the wall right above the throne, with axes on either side and just underneath, is were the end crystal was sitting. Gold was stacked up in every corner. The two guards, standing next to him, readied themselves. I stood there in the middle of the room, twirling my blades, waiting to see who would make the first move. 

(No One's POV)

A piglin brute and Zoglin were walking to the castle when they were stopped by Kane, Rain and Stella. The Zoglin ran away. but the brute stayed and was twice the size of them all. The three crusaders readied their weapons as the brute, stomped his foot to the ground and starting charging at them. The other three, started charging at him as well and met in the middle.

Ciara readied her blades as the two guards ran towards her. They both launched at her, and ended up both getting stabbed in the neck, being dead in less then 5 seconds. The King was enraged by this and started swing his staff at Ciara. She dodged most of them, but was hit by the last swing and flew across the room.

Kane, Rain and Stella, were also struggling. With the Piglin being twice their size, it was hard to get some damage on to him. He ended up knocking the three of them backwards.  

The King picked up Ciara and held her by the neck, slowly closing his fist, cutting off the air supply. 

"Rain, Stella, we have to do the move that we practised, if not then we are going to die" Kane said as the three got up from the ground. "Ready, NOW" He yelled. Stella summoned a few arcane swords and stabbed the Piglin in the knees, forcing him to fall to his knees. Rain jumped in the air and then slammed his sword to the ground forcing it break and  crumble, sending Kane flying though the air as it just missed him.

Ciara was losing oxygen fast and could barely move. She then managed to to take control of one of her blades that was close and teleport it to her hand. As she started to freak out, Ciara shoved the blade in to the King's neck about four times before he was dead. 

Kane came flying down towards the Brute's neck, as his axe went straight through him. The Piglin fell to the floor as the three turned around to see the castle door opening. Standing there, was Ciara, with the End Crystal in her hand but she looked tired and beat up. But a small Smile spread across her face. 

(I am so sorry for how long you guys waited for this chapter. I have been really caught up on school work and stuff outside of school. But I just wanted to say, I am really thankful for all you. I never thought that I would get this far and thank you so much for over 500 reads, I really appreciate. I cant make any promises for when the next chapter is coming out but I promise, it wont be that long. Thank you all so much and have a good rest of your day/ night) 

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